The campus green

A new report issued by Chico State University students working with Good Company consultants details just how much of an impact the college is having on the environment and gives suggestions on how the school could be more environmentally sustainable. The good news is that conservation on campus, especially of water and electricity, has helped the university save resources and money. The bad news is that the university still has a way to go in the areas of transportation, solid waste and promoting sources of renewable energy.
Annual energy use: 214 BTUs, equivalent to about 9,000 average families
Percentage change in energy use since 1973: -10
Percentage coal used to generate CSUC’s electricity: 43
Percentage nuclear power: 28
Monthly water usage: 3.4 million gallons
Change in water usage since 2001: -25%
Percentage of students who live within 1 mile of campus: 80
Percentage of students who drive alone to school: 50
Percentage of faculty who drive alone to school: 82
Est. cost of each new parking space built near campus: $12,000
Est. cost of each new bike space: $100
Annual avg. waste generated per student: 135 pounds
Percentage of campus waste stream recycled 2003-04: 47