The Wall
If there’s anything that even comes close to bringing home the horrible impact of war, it’s the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Name after name appears on its mirror-like surface. And now, the names of the fallen soldiers also appear on the Internet, searchable through the Web site The site also includes a message board where friends, lovers, family members and strangers can post. One man’s younger brother wrote, “I miss you. I always looked up to you.” Another who served in the same company as a fallen soldier wrote, “He never quit trying to administer aid to the wounded, even after being wounded himself.” The site also notes on which panel and line each name is engraved. The following soldiers were from Chico.
Name Branch Age Casualty date How killed
John Robert Adams Army 31 March 13, 1978† died after helicopter shot down
Maximino Estrada Marines 20 March 25, 1971 gun, small arms
Robert Glenn Hartman Army 24 Oct. 1, 1969 explosive device
Gary Dennis Holton Army 18 July 3, 1968 hostile fire, helicopter crash
Allan Dean Masteller Army* 23 Feb. 28, 1968 artillery, rocket or mortar
Joseph Verne Olszewski Navy — Jan. 27, 1970 illness, disease
Roy Vernon Rawlin Army* 21 Aug. 11, 1969 multiple fragmentation wounds
Harry Daniel Sarakov Marines 19 May 15, 1969 gun, small-arms fire
Gary Ralph Schwellenbach Army 19 Dec. 17, 1969 gun, small-arms fire
Floyd Wayne Strange Army 32 May 22, 1978† accidental helicopter crash
George Francis Talken Navy 30 Aug. 2, 1969 hostile fire; plane crashed at sea
Michael Frederick Walker Army* 20 Jan. 6, 1968 hostile ground casualty
Todd Louis Wood Army* 19 Jan. 9. 1969 gun, small-arms fire
* Soldier was drafted through Selective Service process.
† Online posts note that Sgt. Adams actually died at age 21, in 1967. The Chico High grad was listed missing in action until 1978, when he was declared dead. Floyd Strange’s body was similarly never recovered.