Oprah earns nine Big Macs per second is a Web site that provides “employee compensation data, software and services,” and for some reason part of that service includes a “salary timer” program where you can compare your salary with those of famous rich people and watch the two accrue side-by-side in real-time. Even more fun is the “Burg-o-meter,” which does the same real-time comparison, but with things like Big Macs or VW Beetles instead of dollars. Below we’ve plugged the average newspaper drone’s salary into the program and found out how we stack up to the rich and famous in earnings-per-30-seconds.
Measuring the income of famous people in millions-per-year is impressive sounding enough to most regular folks, but breaking down the salaries of the stars into an hourly wage and comparing it to that of Joe and Josephina Average is obscene.
Name: Annual Income Hourly Wage* $/30sec. Big Macs Barbies Nike Air Jordans
Oprah Winfrey: $162 million $81,600/hr. $679.99 273 52 4 pairs
Tiger Woods: $72.2 million $38,600/hr. $321.66 129 24 2 pairs
Rolling Stones: $44.3 million $22,150/hr. $184.58 74 14 1 pair
Howard Stern: $30.1 million $15,050/hr. $125.41 50 9 .75 pair
Olson Twins: $17 million $8,500/hr. $70.83 28 5 1 shoe
Mandy Moore: $2.5 million $1,250/hr. $10.41 4 ? doll no shoes
Joe Newspaper: $22,000 $11/hr. $00.09 sorry nope in yer dreams
*Based on a 40-hour work week.