What are they reading?

As we know, the towns and cities of the Northstate have unique personalities and, at the same time, certain similarities. We thought it would be interesting to find out what folks in these towns were reading, so we went to and consulted its breakdowns of current best-sellers by urban areas. Chico, no surprise, was the only one with a liberal political tract on its list. Redding readers appear to enjoy novels and/or belong to book clubs. The Da Vinci Code was big almost everywhere, and a lot of people are worried about their weight.
1. Dude, Where’s My Country?, by Michael Moore
2. Stitch ’N Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook, by Debbie Stoller
3. Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer
Red Bluff
1. The Ultimate Weight Solution, by Phil McGraw
2. The Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide, by Phil McGraw
3. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown
1. Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger
2. The Da Vinci Code
3. The Namesake, by Jhunpa Lahiri
1. The Da Vinci Code
2. The Ultimate Weight Solution
3. The South Beach Diet, by Arthur Agatson
1. The South Beach Diet
2. Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown
3. The Da Vinci Code