Shelflife — Website

Wackyjac panties
Finally, my Valentine’s promo panties arrived! The ladies at offer some eclectic variations on underwear with cutesy little sayings and deck styles. Their mission: “to change the world, one panty at a time, by providing intelligent, empowering, and original products for you, the daring.”

Since I was 13, I’ve been a boxer man—they give you combined comfort and roominess. But for the sake of these ladies, I tried their tight undies last week and was duly impressed by their cottony comfort and stretch capability (plus I hear the packaged heat kills sperm, not a bad thing in my case).

Now I know what you guys are saying: But Rev. Gus, what if I get hit by a Chico State student’s car or have some medical emergency—won’t the nurse jab the IV in my arm even harder when she sees panties that read “Worship Here” on the crotch or “Eat Organic” (with a picture of a giant dill pickle). The answer is no. Emergency room nurses are professional and will not hate on your sheik-underoo style.

Wackyjac sent me two pairs of guys drawers and two pair of medium ladies (one sexy white thong that reads “Cat got your tongue?” and another red, semi-Granny style that reads “Better than Chocolate”). Since I have no use for the latter two, interested women can email me, tell me why they deserve these brand-spanking-new panties (tags attached) and they can have ’em—compliments of the N&R.

Meanwhile, check out the Web site for sexy stuff from some young entrepreneur sisters doin’ it for themselves, indie-style.