Sharks in the Bay
Mergers take bite out of journalism

What’s it all about?
The pending sale and resale of Northern California newspapers has had impacts on more than the three companies involved, Knight Ridder, McClatchy and MediaNews. Ripples are being felt beyond the communities affected as readers and observers ponder the impact of media consolidation.
Limited press run
Impending consolidation of newspaper ownership brings fears of “cookie-cutter journalism” to California’s second-biggest media market.
By Cosmo Garvin
Local consolidation
Northstate residents know all about media consolidation, with one company
owning practically all of the area’s dailies.
By Chelsey Shoop
McClatchy’s strategy
McClatchy’s purchase and sale of Knight Ridder papers fits the business model of the Sacramento Bee’s parent company.
By R.V. Scheide
Union quashers?
Whether by design or happenstance, most of the properties unloaded by
McClatchy have unionized newsrooms.
By Chrisanne Beckner