Search for teen goes on
Investigation into the disappearance of Claudialy Estrella Villalobos Cardenas continues

There’s been no sign of missing Hamilton City teenager Claudialy Estrella Villalobos Cardenas (pictured), about whom the CN&R wrote last week (Newslines, “Finding Little”).
Her older sister, Judith Cardenas, is working with a detective from the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office and is continuing her own search, including posting fliers around Glenn and Butte counties. She’s also working with the Polly Klaas Foundation, among other organizations and agencies.
“I’m physically and mentally exhausted, but I’m pushing forward,” she said by phone Wednesday morning (Sept. 19).
Thankfully, Cardenas said, she’s received lots of positive feedback through a Facebook page she created shortly after her 15-year-old her sister vanished on Sept. 6. The page (go to to see it) has grown from 100 to more than 2,000 “likes” since the CN&R’s story appeared, and the search has intensified as the word has spread. Still, authorities are working with few leads. One of them suggests that the teen could be in Washington state.