Sam’s cudgel
Wal-Mart by the numbers

Rank among largest corporations worldwide 1
FY2005 revenues, in billions (projected) $286
% of every U.S. retail dollar (excluding auto parts) spent at Wal-Mart 8
% of U.S. GDP attributable to Wal-Mart revenues 2
# of Wal-Mart & affiliated stores, U.S. 3,551
# of Wal-Mart & affiliated stores worldwide 4,906
# of new U.S. supercenters Wal-Mart hopes to add FY2005 230
Min. sq. footage of retail space controlled by Wal-Mart 607,000,000
Factor by which Wal-Mart has grown over last 10 years 5
Min. % of Chinese exports to U.S. sold at Wal-Mart 10
Legal hourly min. wage in China $0.31
Average hourly wage of Chinese workers at factories supplying Wal-Mart $0.23
Rank among highest contributors in 2004 election campaign 2
Min. # of Wal-Mart workers 1,200,000
# of illegal alien Wal-Mart workers caught in an Oct. 2003 sting 245
# of years it took for meatcutters to unionize a Texas Wal-Mart 3
# of weeks after unionization Wal-Mart closed that store’s butcher shop 1
Approx. % of part-time, non- benefits-eligible employees 33
# of years before part-time Wal-Mart workers eligible for benefits 2
Est. annual aid Calif. taxpayers give Wal-Mart employees $86,000,000
Average Wal-Mart employee’s yearly salary $13,681
2001 federal poverty line for family of 3 $14,630
Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott’s avg. yearly compensation $23,000,000
Sources: U.S. House of Rep. Committee on Education and the Workforce; Reuters; Bloomberg; Standard & Poor’s; Fast Company; The Online Investor—J.I.