Relief from the “Chico disease”
Tips for keeping spring allergens to a minimum

Spring rains have postponed the start of allergy season in California, but with the sun now shining, allergy sufferers can expect their symptoms to intensify as the first wave of pollens begins to make life very uncomfortable in this lush valley town. Most folks have their particular remedies, both natural and pharmaceutical, but there are a few techniques you can employ to help reduce your exposure to pollens.
1. Night showers: Switch to washing/rinsing your hair before bed, to keep pollen off your pillow.
2. Hot-air dry: Clothes on the line are pollen traps. Dry in the dryer.
3. Recirculation: Resist the temptation to blow that fresh outside air into your home and car. Close up windows, avoid the whole- house fan, turn on the a/c, and use the “recirculate” option in the car.
4. Keep filters clean: Replace your car’s cabin filter and your home’s a/c filter to keep collected allergens from sneaking in.
5. Plan your outdoor time: Check the pollen forecast at to see what’s in store before you head outside, and try and do your outdoor activities later in the day when counts are lower. Also, wear sunglasses to keep pollen out of your eyes and don’t forget to take your allergy meds.
6. Mow wisely: Wear a particulate filter when you mow the lawn, or better yet, get the neighbor kid to mow it!