Referendum, here we come
Newest petition opposes county ban on dispensaries

Leave it to Citizens for Compassionate Use to take their cause to the people. Last week the Butte County Board of Supervisors voted to ban dispensaries—effectively making a two-year moratorium permanent—and CCU believes local voters will think differently.
“The whole dispensary ban is a sham,” said the CCU’s Andrew Merkel.
The group, which also includes professional signature-gatherer Weston Mickey (pictured), started its petition drive Sunday (Oct. 30) and is optimistic it will easily meet its mark.
Over the summer, after the board adopted a medical-marijuana-cultivation ordinance, the group gathered more than enough signatures to qualify a referendum. That ordinance will be put to a popular vote in June. This time they’re asking that the board either repeal the ban, reconsider and work with CCU, or put it on the ballot.
“We registered a lot of people to vote during the last go-around, so it’s making it a lot easier this go-around,” said Mickey.