Recycle it, schools!

Waste Management offers tips to end school-generated waste

The folks at Waste Management want to remind their customers about the importance of recycling. It’s especially important this time of year, as kids head back to school, according to spokesman Justin Caporusso. Schools produce millions of tons of recyclable waste each year, and many do not have programs in place to divert it from landfills. The waste is generated all around campuses, from classrooms to cafeterias. And the effort can generate funding for clubs, projects and departments—even for a favorite charity.

Here are some recycling tips for institutions:

• Form a group to start and maintain a recycling program and establish an on-site collection center for materials.

• Compost food scraps, leaves and lawn clippings. Use the compost on site in school gardens! It can be used as mulch and fertilizer, too.

• Recycle electronics, including computers, cell phones,

televisions, etc. In Chico, contact Computers for Classrooms at for more info.

• Purchase products, including paper, made from recycled material.

• Provide incentives, such as parties and gift certificates, to recycling participants.

For more help with establishing recycling programs, visit