Pugh to repaint mural
Academe will take up residence on the new arts building

After much deliberation and public outcry over the future of muralist John Pugh’s first major artwork, Academe, on the side of Chico State’s Taylor Hall, a decision has been made. Pugh, who painted the trompe l’oeil (trick-of-the-eye) mural while he was a student, has agreed to repaint it on the new arts building, which will replace Taylor Hall.
Contacted by phone, Pugh said that the new mural will actually resemble the original more closely than the current one does. Since he painted the original in 1981, technology and materials have advanced, he said.
“The painting I’m doing of the original will outlast our life spans,” he said.
Brooks Thorlaksson, who retired last month as associate dean for the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, is seeing this project through. She said Pugh will be paid $70,000 for his work.
“The Pugh mural means a lot to this town, and we’re all committed to making this work,” she said.