Police make DNA hit in Igbineweka knifing
Break in A.S. president assault case

Chico police confirmed Wednesday morning that they had made a “DNA hit” connecting evidence found on then-Associated Students President Joseph Igbineweka’s body with someone whose DNA is in the CPD’s database.
Igbineweka (pictured at Enloe Hospital) was assaulted and stabbed repeatedly on April 18 around 2 a.m. near West Sacramento Avenue. He was walking home from a weekend party, he later said, when a pair of young men followed him, yelling racist insults. A fight broke out, and one of the men began slashing and stabbing him.
Police arrested 19-year-old Barry Sayavong, but released him on April 22 for lack of evidence, including the fact that he had no blood splatters on him.
CPD Sgt. Scott Franssen said the DNA hit represents progress in the eight-month-old case and “gives us more to go on,” but no arrest has been made. The investigation is continuing, he said.