Pink Floyd
Dark Side of the Moon (30th anniversary edition)<

Latter-day Pink Floyd producer James Guthrie has created a mighty impressive 5.1 surround-sound mix for the 30th anniversary of this ’70s rock “masterpiece.” As related by the group’s members, Pink Floyd went into the Abbey Road studio in 1972 expecting simply to produce their next album. The resulting theme-related series of songs ironically out-grossed the Beatles’ Abbey Road and remained in the top-100-selling-albums chart for 14 years. The instruments are strong and sharp, and you can practically pick out the individual voices of background singers Doris Troy, Leslie Duncan, Liza Strike and Barry St. John, they are that clear. Topping it all off, longtime Floyd album jacket designer Storm Thorgerson has, with Peter Curzon, designed a new cover for the 30th-anniversary edition.