PG&E and tree control

Utility company holds public input meetings

Two months after PG&E took down nearly 250 trees in Oroville despite the highly publicized protests of concerned citizens, the utility company has scheduled two meetings to inform the public of its ongoing safety efforts.

According to a PG&E press release, “Certain trees, tree roots, brush and structures can pose a safety concern because they block pipeline access duding emergencies and prevent crews from performing important safety and maintenance work.” It goes on to say tree roots can cause gas pipe corrosion. The company’s next tree removal operation is set for the Midway between Durham and Chico.

“This is a good opportunity for the public to better understand what PG&E is currently doing and proposing to do in the future to increase gas safety in the community,” said Butte County Supervisor Steve Lambert in the release. The meetings are scheduled for 6 p.m. tonight (April 23) at the Durham Veteran’s Memorial Hall at 9319 Midway and at 5 p.m. Monday (April 27) at Patrick Ranch, 10381 Midway.