Party for the planet
Highlighting efforts to sustain our world

This Saturday (April 22) is Earth Day, a yearly international celebration that underscores the importance of environmental protection. Locally, there are numerous ways to participate in this party for our planet (see Calendar, page 24). But here at CN&R, we’d like to think the Earth is worthy of consideration every day.
And, fact is, it’s going to take a concerted effort to substantively reduce the carbon emissions that harm the world and humankind’s well-being. That’s why this week’s cover story is focused on energy—our addiction to it and measures that can be taken to curb our usage.
The inspiration to take on this subject was the city of Chico’s Sustainability Task Force—specifically, the group’s Million Watt Challenge. Recently launched, it’s a community-participation initiative in which residents, including businesses, are encouraged to save 1 million watts of energy in 2017. We’ve partnered with the city to spread the word on this campaign. In these pages, you’ll learn how to participate in it and some other local programs to help the community reduce energy consumption and save money. Go to to learn more and to sign on to the effort.
This issue also marks the 10th anniversary of Greenways, CN&R’s weekly environmental section, a product of the paper’s commitment to being our region’s go-to source for environmental coverage. This week, you’ll read about the Chico March for Science, a satellite version of that nonpartisan march at the Washington Mall on Earth Day. More than 500 such events are happening worldwide that day as a way to celebrate science and its critical role in our lives and to combat anti-science rhetoric.
Cheers to all the local eco-warriors and their efforts to better the planet. Happy Earth Day!
—Melissa Daugherty