Partnering with teachers

Parents have a huge role to play in their children’s educations

Next Wednesday, May 12, is California Day of the Teacher. That means it’s a good time to remember how the most important teachers in children’s lives, their parents, can assist the professional teachers who play such a huge role in providing their formal education.

After all, it’s well established that kids whose parents actively participate in their education do much better in school than those whose parents are uninvolved.

The First 5 Butte County Children and Families Commission offers these suggestions for parents:

One: Get involved. Talk to your kids every day about what they learned at school. Be specific. And attend open houses, PTA meetings and parent-teacher conferences to build a strong relationship with your child’s teacher or teachers.

Two: Communicate often with teachers. With e-mail, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch. Let teachers know how you think your child is doing.

Three: Read daily, especially when your kids are young. Nothing fosters the love of reading more than reading or being read to. And set a good example by enjoying books yourself.

You and your child’s teacher are partners in a great enterprise. If both of you work to foster the relationship, your child will flourish in school.