‘Park smart’ procedures
Some safety tips for enjoying Chico’s parks

Beautiful spring days just beg for a walk in one of Chico’s parks, but it’s important to keep yourself and your family safe during your excursions. Here are some “park smart” tips offered by the city of Chico park rangers and Police Department:
• Be aware of your surroundings and people in your vicinity.
• Call 911 in an emergency or call Chico Police Dispatch (897-4900) to report suspicious activity.
• Don’t leave anything valuable in your car, even in your trunk.
• Avoid wearing headphones or ear buds while walking, jogging or biking as they reduce your awareness.
• Walk or jog facing oncoming traffic.
• Bring a friend or let someone know the specifics of your outing and when you plan to return.
• Wear proper equipment like bright clothing, a helmet while biking, appropriate footwear, and have a flashlight or headlamp at night.
• Carry a cell phone.
• Closely monitor your children while they play.