No place like home
Survey shows Mom and Dad aren’t welcome as roommates

Results from a recently conducted nationwide survey show that 70 percent of adult children do not want their parents moving in with them. The reasons cited for this reluctance were not enough room (55 percent), lack of privacy (49 percent), possible conflict (46 percent) and fear of less intimacy/sex with partner (21 percent). But if they had to let a parent move in, 67 percent would rather have their mother than their father as a housemate. Reasons cited by the 1,100 respondents included the belief that their mom would help more with cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids. Dads were seen as lazier (68 percent), sloppier (70 percent), dirtier (75 percent), more likely to say inappropriate things(75 percent) and more controlling of the television (69 percent).
Source: Online survey commissioned by Visiting Angels, senior care company.