New year in the garden
A few January reminders

The leaves may be gone and the winter rains on their way, but there is still plenty to do in the garden and the yard. In the latest online report for the Nor Cal region, the National Garden Association has a few reminders for January.
Prune: But prune correctly. Remember the garden rule: “Leave no stub that you can hang a hat on.” Avoid created future dead wood by cutting just above leaf joints, buds and collars of branches.
No suckers: Some deciduous plants—apples, roses, etc.—get unwanted growth (or “suckers”) from their root stock. Dig ’em up at the point of origin so that they don’t steal nutrietnts from the top part of the plant.
Bug off: If you’ve had insect problems in the garden, plant items that will attract beneficial pest-eating insects like ladybugs, lace wings and hoverflies. Start with dill, fennel, carrots, parsley, coreopsis or yarrow.
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