Neighborhood nutrition
Chapmantown garden starts CSA as a grassroots effort to improve health.

Access to nutritious food has increased lately in Chapmantown thanks to The Maker’s Garden, a community project spearheaded by the neighborhood’s Second Baptist Church. On Saturday (July 19), the garden hosted a community outreach day, during which volunteers—including Elvert Richardson (pictured)—handed out more than 75 pounds of free produce to passersby.
According to its Facebook page, the Maker’s Garden is “committed to educating, increasing nutrition and providing local affordable whole food to people that would not normally have access.”
Toward that end, a CSA (community supported agriculture) program will launch Saturday (July 26), with deliveries twice monthly. Families and individuals can sign up and pay with cash or by working in the garden. Interested Chapman residents can email or call or text 828-7252 to place an order. Go online to for prices and more info.