Local personalities remember the first records they ever owned:

UFO’s Lights Out
Mike Ramsey (district attorney): Bringing it all Back Home, Bob Dylan
Scott McNall (Chico State president): Gene Krupa ("it really aggravated my parents")
Coleen Jarvis (attorney/City Council member): Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel ("My parents got it for me in the early ‘70s. … I just saw [the band] for the first time last month. Great show, cried and sang all the way through it.”
Tom Gascoyne (CN&R): “Midnight Ride with Paul Revere and the Raiders, released 1966 (I was 10), went gold, featured ‘Kicks.'”
David Little (Enterprise-Record editor): Lights Out by UFO “Still have it, just need some way to play it.”
Mickey Taylor (Esplanade House director): The swingin’ Mills Brothers and that song “Glow Worm.”
Roger Montalbano (Duffy’s Tavern): Here’s the Beatles, 1964 ("My first 45 was Frankie Avalon singing ‘Venus.'")
Max Sidman (The Synthesis): Zenyatta Mondatta, The Police or Only a Lad, Oingo Boingo.