Local bastard

Local Bastard grabbed Nuts this weekend. You know, it’s like Maxim magazine only weekly, and British. In addition to rolling out a ton of T&A, wacky sports photos (more cricket bats to the groin!) and TV listings, the July 15-21 issue features the sensationally titled article “INITIATION OF DEATH … at the world’s most terrifying university.” Can you guess what school they’re talking about? (It’s not Hogwarts .) The naughty Brits working on this overview of the hazing death of Matthew Carrington play loose with the details to come up with their characterization of Chico State (who knew Chi Tau was an “on-campus frat house”?), and it’s more than a little perplexing that this is the story Nuts sought out. Judging by the mag’s cover, it seems like the Shane’s World/Phi Kappa Tau porn party would’ve been a more-natural fit. Unfortunately, you can’t read the article online, but if want to subscribe go to www.nutsmag.co.uk .
You’re not helping! On second thought, after getting a sneak preview of Chico State’s Associated Students Presents fall lineup, maybe our university is a little scary. Get ready: On Oct. 21 it’s Tuck & Patti live at the BMU! Tuck & Patti? Seriously? Is this student programming? Before he gets started, Local Bastard will back up to say that there is plenty of worthwhile and college-student stuff on the schedule: Lyrics Born (Aug. 20), 40 Watt Hype (Sept. 7), Tegan & Sara (Oct. 10), Flogging Molly (Oct. 14) and Fallout Boy w/ Starting Line , Motion City Soundtrack and more (Nov. 4).

But, again, Tuck & Patti? What’s the thought-process here? Maybe the A.S. took to heart the opening words of the duo’s online bio (in itself, a work of pure genius: www.tuckandpatti.com/chocolate_pressrelease.html ): “With nothing more than voice and guitar, Tuck & Patti have quietly changed the world.” Oh… well then. How could you not book a couple of self-proclaimed revolutionaries, with a sound described as “a seed that nestles and grows in the garden of the soul”? Whatever.
More Hips. Local filmmaker Bill DeBlonk dropped a note off saying he’s edited down his comprehensive Mother Hips documentary This is the Sound into an hour special that will air on our local PBS station, KIXE Channel 9 . Catch the sound Aug. 5, 10 p.m., and Aug. 7 and 13, 11 p.m.
TO DO: Marty James and Z-Man return to Chico with One Block Radius , Fri. July 29, 8:30 p.m. at the Chico Women’s Club ; from Seattle, Robert Deeble and Levator are at Off Limits , Sat., July 30, 9 p.m.; and everyone’s a star at the Crux Arts Collective ’s open Hang-Nail Show Sat., July 30, 6 p.m.—bring works to the gallery between noon and 6 p.m. the day before (110 Commerce Court—go to www.cruxarts.com for directions).
TO BURN: Normally L.B. would rather listen to Tuck & Patti than suffer through any form of Euro-dance, but London/Sri Lankan cutie M.I.A. ’s stellar Arular is a fun and refreshing exception (thanks for the tip, Andy). And nothing is better than her samplings from the Sanford and Son theme song on “U.R.A.Q.T.”
TWO MORE: Duffy’s Friday-night happy hour gets some fresh blood for a couple of weeks as the Pub Scouts take some time off. This Friday (July 29), the Mike Newman Jazz Quartet takes over, and next week (Aug. 5) it’s the traditional honky-tonk flavor of Glen Earl Brown Jr. & the Dickens . Also, Jandek is coming out. The infamous musical recluse (see: http://tisue.net/jandek / for his story) has broken his secret spell with a couple of random gigs already, but now he’s busting out with a huge three-day tour that’ll hit Austin, New York and New Orleans. That’ll be a total of six shows in 27 years.