Living in balance
Krista Lapp

photo by Catherine Beeghly
Krista Lapp is a striking person, a combination of forces that’s hard to forget. Maybe it’s her bright blonde hair and brown eyes, or the way she carries herself from years of ballet training. Maybe it’s her warm personality and encouraging smile. Maybe it’s the dozens of brightly colored tattoos É or, the combination of all of the above. Lapp, 31, teaches Balletone and yoga at In Motion Fitness. She moved to Chico 10 years ago to study communications at Chico State, and never left. She met her husband, Dylan Lapp, at Normal Street Bar, and they have a 3-year-old son, Lincoln. Dylan is a tattoo artist who owns Red Room Tattoo at Nord Avenue and First Street in Chico. Krista had just a couple of tattoos before she met him. “They tell the story of my life,” she says of her tattoo collection. In addition to teaching at In Motion, once a week, Krista treks to Orland, where her in-laws live, to teach yoga for the recreation department.
How has ballet been part of your life?
I grew up doing ballet. I practiced a lot. I was always at the studio, and then in different dance companies. I took a few years off, started practicing yoga, and realized it was so key to helping my life in so many ways.
What is Balletone?
It’s a fusion-type fitness class, combining fitness, ballet and yoga. It’s for everyone, including people without dance experience. It’s a great all-over body workout. It’s done to contemporary music. They have Balletone CDs, but I found I got a better response with something more fresh and fun. I made a playlist, stuff like Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Maroon 5.
Describe some of your tattoos, and what they mean to you.
On my left arm, I have a Georgia peach that says “Mom,” for my mother, and because I spent time growing up in Georgia. One is a heart-shaped birdcage with a bird flying out—not that I’m a caged bird, but I like the freedom it represents. I have the pink toe-shoes for my ballet background. For my family, I have a baby with “Lincoln” on it. My husband and I have matching tattoos, with each other’s names and “True Love,” that we got for our anniversary. Then there is a corset, because I like girly things.
What are your future plans?
Definitely to still be teaching yoga and Balletone, and to stay in Chico. We might have another kid in a few months. It’s interesting how life goes. I feel like being in my 30s is good. It feels right.