Listen to my voice
Brian Stracner

Photo By shannon rooney
Butte County residents with a passion for hypnotherapy can soon attend a special school and become certified hypnotherapists. Brian Stracner, owner of North State Hypnosis, is opening a weekend school where people can learn the finer points of using hypnotherapy to help people. Stracner discovered hypnotherapy while still in junior high school. He was staying with a friend whose dad was a stage hypnotherapist. “I was just fascinated,” Stracner recalled. “I’d go over there and ask questions, and he taught me some hypnosis techniques.” When Stracner started Butte College after high school, he became interested in the therapeutic benefits of hypnotherapy. He used hypnotherapy to become more extroverted, and he also used it to help a family member with agoraphobia. After Butte College, he attended a number of schools and classes devoted to the study of hypnotherapy and developed many specialties. “Right now, I am becoming really passionate about helping people with weight reduction and fitness,” he said. The full-time dad of an almost 3-year-old daughter named Mina, Stracner has a busy hypnotherapy practice in Chico. The classes, which commence in early March, will be held in the University of Phoenix building in downtown Chico. To sign up for the classes, contact Stracner at <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,99,104,105,99,111,104,121,112,110,111,115,105,115,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,34,62,99,104,105,99,111,104,121,112,110,111,115,105,115,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script> or 1-877-99-TRANC(E).
How will the hypnotherapy school work?
My school will focus on stage-hypnosis techniques as well as therapeutic techniques. There will be a monthly initial certification weekend class. The certification is through the International Hypnosis Association. Then there will be specialty certifications available, as well, such as for smoking cessation and weight reduction.
How much will it cost?
The initial certification weekend class is $950. The fee for each specialty certification class is $98.
What will people learn?
They’ll learn about laws and ethics, inductions and therapeutic techniques, and advertising and promotions. There will be a strong emphasis on learning how to help people utilize their emotions to get where they want to go. People can begin working as hynotherapists, or they can use the techniques for themselves or for their family and friends.
What is your goal with the school?
I want to produce the best hypnotherapists in the North State.
What do you do to unwind when you’re not teaching or practicing hypnotherapy?
I love music—I try to get out and hear local music. I spend time with my girlfriend and my daughter. And I golf!