Letters for September 7, 2017

‘Kudos for persevering’
Re “How’d we get here?” (Cover story, by CN&R staff, Aug. 24):
I have been reading CN&R front to back since moving here in 2015 as a way to learn about and connect with my new community. I moved here in part because I was looking for a small town that was also reasonably progressive. Having grown up in San Francisco, I was delighted to hear the motto “keep Chico weird,” and figured it would be a good place to live. Apparently CN&R has a lot to do with that spirit.
Reading your 40th anniversary edition was especially poignant because I grew up in the Good Times Commune that evolved out of the Good Times, a tiny SF newspaper back in the 1960s and ’70s. Eventually, the paper and the commune disbanded due to economics. So, kudos for persevering all these years, so that a former hippie child like me can enjoy all the fine articles and events you cover.
Nicolette Gamache
Note to city reps
Dear City Council: I have been a resident of Chico for over 60 years. I have never seen Vallombrosa Avenue in such disrepair. Chico is lucky to have one of the largest and most beautiful city-owned parks in the nation. I believe it deserves a decent roadway from which to enjoy it.
When the city takes up repair of Vallombrosa Avenue, it should also consider a repave of Petersen Memorial Way, as it is also in terrible condition.
Michael Van Ert
Blowhards and Harvey
The desperate screams of families still underwater in southeast Texas are being drowned out even more by the shout outs from those boasting full volume the amount of their own contributions.
Kenneth B. Keith
‘Dooming America’
Notice that the tighter Bob Mueller pulls the proverbial noose around comrade Trump’s neck, the bigger the North Korean threat becomes? Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters do not believe except what they see. Affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age, Trump will, with help from his goon Stephen Miller, conjure up a Hollywood-like nuclear war with North Korea to avert attention from Mueller’s Russian probe. This is pooh-poohed as “fake news” by illiterate Trump fanatics, of course.
I saw a Bernie bumper sticker this morning. Little do they know they joined Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters in dooming America to destruction by allowing him to take the White House hostage. Hopefully Trump’s first-time voter hicks will be drafted to fight in his World War III. Poetic justice?
Ray Estes
A terrible reminder
By ordering an end to DACA, the president is threatening the deportation of some of the best, brightest, most hard-working children of immigrants to this country. They comprise a large group (over 800,000) of often educated individuals who are working hard to fulfill the promise that this country has always offered to immigrants and on which it was built.
It is so reminiscent of Martin Niemller’s poem (now in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.) that I would amend it as follows: First they came for the Dreamers, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Dreamer. Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Marcia Moore
Editor’s note: For more on this subject, see Editorial on page 4.
Alliteration again
Pardoner; pandering. Pilfering. Pathetic.
Naz Esposito
Regarding the DNC
In late August, a Florida judge dismissed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee’s handling of the 2016 presidential primary brought by supporters of Bernie Sanders, who claimed they had been defrauded by the DNC.
The lawsuit cited six legal claims of the DNC’s deceptive conduct, negligent misrepresentation and fraud, and that the DNC violated Article 5, Section 4 of its own charter by working with a single campaign to effectively choose who would win the Democratic ballot.
The DNC reportedly argued that the organization’s neutrality among Democratic campaigns during the primaries was merely a “political promise,” and therefore it had no legal obligations to remain impartial throughout the process.
Essentially, the DNC is a private corporation and is not in the business of promoting democracy, but of promoting its brand.
The August Harvard-Harris Poll again showed Bernie Sanders is the most popular U.S. politician, with 54 percent of voters viewing him favorably. This poll got little media coverage because the establishment does not want to recognize the power of Bernie’s ideas.
Those who support Bernie’s vision should be wary of the Democratic Party.
There is serious discussion on forming a new progressive party, with a planning convergence in Washington, D.C., Sept. 8-10.
Lucy Cooke
Butte Valley
Want to do something?
If you saw Before the Flood, a powerful documentary about the causes, effects and politics of global warming, you may be wanting to do something. Join us. We are an international bipartisan organization that works toward a market-based approach to reducing carbon. Many economists, environmentalists, politicians and climate scientists think our carbon fee and dividend plan is probably the most effective strategy for cutting global emissions.
Citizens Climate Lobby will meet at the Chico branch of the Butte County Library on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 5 p.m., and you can read about us at cicizensclimatelobby.org.
Carrie McGranahan
Dog helpers
Early Sunday morning on Labor Day weekend I exited Highway 32 on 99 north heading to In Motion Fitness to swim laps. Shortly after entering the highway near the Bidwell Park overpass, I noticed two police cars moving slowly with their lights flashing.
I assumed there must be an accident ahead. One of the policemen got out of his car to warn approaching traffic to slow down. I was directed to the left lane with both police cars on the right. As I was creeping by their cars, I noticed that the officers were escorting an old German shepherd limping down the highway on the far right side. The police were slowing traffic so this shepherd could make it to the nearest exit.
With all the bad press about cops these days, I am glad to give some good press where it is due. In this case, it is an example of the good works of Chico’s fine police force. I, for one, am glad to see cops around (not necessarily right behind me). I respect them for all that they do to protect and serve the Chico community.
It is time we began looking for what works rather than what is wrong.
Bud Inzer
A story last week (“The Congressman and the kid,” Newslines, by Ken Smith) incorrectly characterized Joshua Brown’s visit to Rep. Doug LaMalfa’s Redding office. He was not invited by LaMalfa staffer Erin Ryan, but rather went of his own accord. We apologize for the mistake, which has been corrected online. —ed.