Letters for October 26, 2017

About that cover story
Re “Underreported” (Cover story, by Paul Rosenberg, Oct. 19):
Upon reading the shattering article last week about the irreversible destruction by the U.S. Navy in the North Pacific, one more clearly understands how any foreign nation would be dedicated to demonstrating its willingness to confront and challenge such a monstrosity.
Kenneth B. Keith
Los Molinos
Embrace cannabis
Re “Grow home” and “Where’s the evidence?” (Newslines, by Howard Hardee and Meredith J. Cooper, respectively, Oct. 19):
For the last two months, I’ve been working in Humboldt County helping to launch the Humboldt Cannabis Magazine. This magazine will ensure that the very popular cannabis industry here has a marketing vehicle to brand its legal, permitted products to 2,000 dispensaries.
Although I am sure there are those who oppose the growing of this herb, I haven’t run into any of those folks. What I discovered is that the communities south from Garberville to northern McKinleyville embrace the industry if the farmers use best practices. The permitting process is extensive, and those who receive them have had to prove their farming presence doesn’t impede on the natural resources here.
Needless to say, the county of Humboldt has reaped the monetary rewards from the permit and licensing process fees, which are in the hundreds of thousands. Couldn’t Butte County use some of that? There is so much evidence to support the medical attributes of cannabis, and to restrict the growing from farmers who are willing to “come out of the closet,” so to speak, continues to make them outlaws and create sales for the black market.
Cannabis is not going away, and the sooner Butte County jumps on to make realistic laws, the better!
Rosemary Febbo
Hear, hear
Re “Military madness in the Trump era” (Guest comment, by Chris Nelson, Oct. 19):
Thank you, Chris Nelson! Every single point you make about the 800-plus U.S. military bases installed throughout foreign lands demands our resistance to these bases. The disrespect shown to locals in acquiring those sites, the inherent support of undemocratic authorities in many host states, and the endless perpetuation of the U.S. war mindset throughout the world can’t help but endanger our security at home.
It is downright obscene that so much wealth for a few has recently been acquired through their lucrative investments in maintaining the U.S. war presence everywhere while new eco industries, universal health care and affordable college, things that would be good for people in our country, are not even blips on the radar screen.
Linda Furr
Rampant criminality
Re “Enough indeed” (Editorial, Oct. 19):
While Harvey Weinstein is raping American women, he is also raping American literature. I had to sue Miramax for stealing Shakespeare in Love from an original five-act play I wrote. I found out that Hollywood steals continually because there is no copyright protection. Congress hasn’t given the FBI a budget to go after script thieves and the 9th Court (the Hollywood court) hasn’t ruled in favor of ripped-off writers in decades. The Oscar is actually made of tin. As long as people worship a 24-carat gold-plated tin god, we will continue to have rampant criminal problems in the entertainment industry.
Mike Peters
Nailed it
Re “Dark comedy sings” (Scene, by Meredith J. Cooper, Oct. 19):
Bravo to the Blue Room for nailing it once again. Heathers The Musical was a high-energy production with a great cast, live band and fine choreography. The Heathers, the jocks and the dads were all a pleasure to watch. Sierra Hall as Veronica propelled the story with her beautiful voice. Hannah Davies as Martha delivered a heartbreaking solo (“Kindergarten Boyfriend”) and Katherine O’Day as Heather McNamara sang a most unexpectedly chilling and beautiful song (“Lifeboat”).
Thanks to everyone involved for an evening of laughter, tragedy and, ultimately, redemption—everything I could want from musical theater.
Ken O’Connor
What is racist?
Re “The racists among us” (Letters, by George Gold, Oct. 19):
Mr. Gold recently wrote about bravely defending his religious identity in a gym, during which he interrupted two gentlemen, obviously more familiar with the world than Mr. Gold, and told them that he would not tolerate racist speech. I’m guessing he only did this because he himself is very tolerant.
Abe Foxman, former national director for the Anti-Defamation League, is quoted as saying, “What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood.” Oliver Stone and other moguls of the industry openly agree that Jewish influence in media is undeniable.
Also, is being Jewish being a member of a religion or race? One should ask the darker-skinned Jews living in their fascist haven of Israel just how well they are treated by their fellow, lighter-skinned brethren.
An online search of Mr. Gold shows that he has been published about half a dozen times in the CN&R in the past decade. He is also involved with the Atheists of Butte County and Butte County Coalition of Reason, a group that tried to strip prayer at Chico City Council meetings because its members are offended by something they don’t believe exists.
Richard Stephens
Sociopath vs. psychopath
I believe that the mental health community is doing a disservice to the rest of humanity by altering their word usage from “sociopath” to “psychopath” in recent years. For most people, the word “psychopath” evokes images of chainsaw massacres and Jack Nicholson with an ax in the snow.
Sociopaths are people born without a conscience—created with 50 percent genetic, 25 percent nurture and 25 percent societal conditions. Their numbers are growing. They are narcissists and very often charming. They also exhibit a total lack of remorse, are devoid of empathy and sympathy, and feel no obligations. From birth, they watch and imitate “normal” reactions to stimuli. Many are users of women—showing excellent acting ability and sexual skills.
It is advisable to acquaint yourselves with this phenomenon. If you recognize one, avoid him or her. You can’t “help” them—they don’t change. They are predators and users. Bottom line, they are incapable of love, incapable of having one sexual partner, and you can count on being hurt financially, emotionally, socially, physically. Trump is an example.
Ann Markham
A new Pledge
I submit for consideration a new Pledge of Allegiance to better reflect the current political climate: “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Electoral College for which it stands, one nation, under Trump, it’s miserable, with liberty and justice forestalled.”
Dan Johnson