Letters for August 8, 2013

Two sides to alcohol policies

Re “Contentious conditions” (Newslines, by Ken Smith, Aug. 1):

This is insane. It’s like using a fire hose to put out a smoking ashtray. Don’t get me wrong—one person dying as a result of alcohol is too many. However, the approach is absurd. With so many restrictions on the books already, adding a ton more will make no difference.

If Chief [Kirk Trostle] is trying to start his own prohibition movement, he is well on his way. A reasonable, level-headed approach is what is needed. Not some knee-jerk, fear-based, draconian proposals. It seems to me the best approach would be to look at all of the existing restrictions to see what in fact works and doesn’t work. Opinions and anecdotes don’t count. Then, look at what—if anything—needs to be added, and then apply the restrictions across the board. Having different rules for different establishments is blatantly wrong.

Now, the chief is an intelligent, fair-minded individual, it seems to me. He means well, but it is no way to start a reasonable discussion.

Andy Turenne

Massachusetts passed a no-happy-hour rule and strict social-ordinance ban on on-site alcohol establishments in the early 1980s. This was in addition to existing auditing and compliance management of establishments that sold alcohol for off-site consumption, aka package stores.

It’s no coincidence that Massachusetts has no colleges or universities—public or private—on the infamous “party school” lists. This is astounding, considering Boston, Mass., is the undisputed “college town” in the United States with more than 300,000 students living on or off campus.

I’m hopeful Chico 2013 will finally catch up with proven techniques in place for decades in other college towns.

However, the proposed live-music restrictions are draconian and a clear overreach. Support live music in Chico.

Bill Mash

Anti-booze plan unfair

Re “A detriment to business” (Editorial, Aug. 1.):

Thank you for calling out the members of the City Council who deny small Chico businesses their liquor licenses while welcoming the opening of a BevMo!. This blatant hypocrisy deserves attention and has made me wonder who’s getting paid. I know corruption exists in all branches of government, but for some reason I believed Chico was pure. Either the members of the City Council have formed a friendship-with-benefits with BevMo!, or they are just plain dumb for thinking the public wouldn’t notice this. Their “anti-booze” campaign against small businesses just lost its credibility.

Kevin O’Leary

Thank you for the dissertation on alcohol issues in your editorial. It clearly and respectfully delineated very strong feelings I’ve been having personally, regarding our City Council’s recent ideas about the alcohol question.

You can’t enforce morals, and you certainly can’t instill responsibility by making dancing illegal!

Alex Light

Ride ’em, don’t eat ’em

Re “Don’t eat it” (Second & Flume, by Melissa Daugherty, Aug. 1):

What’s up next—eating my cat or dog?

Yes, I’m part of the Tea Party, just to let you know. We do have feelings, too. So, what can I do to stop [horse slaughter], other than look at the [label on the] dog food that my dogs eat? This also is happening in Mexico; my stepfather informed me (he is Hispanic). This is nuts. Wild horses have been part of this country for I don’t know how long.

Jimmy Babcock

A disgraceful vote

Re “No stamp of approval” (Newslines, by Tom Gascoyne, Aug. 1):

When elected officials and officers of the court are confronted with legislative decisions or lawful renderings, most often they will recuse themselves, as this is the responsible, ethical and decent action to take in such situations.

Congressman and rice farmer Doug LaMalfa chose instead to vote for more government “bailout” money in the form of farm subsidies, renamed “crop insurance” in an attempt to camouflage the Republican’s shameless feeding frenzy of taxpayer dollars. Particularly disgraceful is voting to give money to agriculture in the event farmers fall on “hard times” [while simultaneously adopting a bill that does not include funding] for the 47 million Americans that rely on food-stamps assistance to barely meet minimum nutritional standards.

Since 1995, LaMalfa and family have fed from the government-subsidy trough to the tune of $5.1 million. When LaMalfa says, “Don’t criticize farmers when your mouth is full,” he does so with a mouthful of taxpayer money.

Roger Beadle

Ditty wasn’t amusing

Re “City manager sing-along” (Letters, by Linda Hathorn, Aug. 1):

How insensitive and cruel. The ditty shows the ignorance and lack of information demonstrated by a member of the general public.

Brian Nakamura was hired to bring the city of Chico back from the brink of insolvency. How many City Council meetings, Finance Committee meetings, and Economic Development Committee meetings did she attend over the last six years? How did she arrive at her nasty little ditty—have help from the likes of Bob Mulholland or perhaps Ann Schwab or perhaps former City Manager David Burkland, or our tell-the-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth former finance director, Jennifer Hennessy?

What’s being done must be done if the city is to survive the financial devastation that has been brought upon us by the current and former liberal councils. If you have better solutions, pay attention, attend meetings and speak up.

Stephanie L. Taber

Water is the new gold

Re “Hypocritical much?” (Letters, by Kevin O’Leary, July 25):

Anyone who understands the results of the California Gold Rush and the subsequent mass influx of people interested only in the money knows that we are now living on the poisoned, ravaged corpse of what was once the richest, most beautiful land in the world.

Water is the gold of this age. Money-grubbers who pursue the wealth it represents don’t care what terrible crimes and destruction they cause. People who lie down for that kind of theft are essentially collaborators. It ain’t about sharing, children.

Nelson Kaiser

Blame parents, not ATVs

Re “Trauma season” (Healthlines, by Evan Tuchinsky, July 25):

The photo with this story depicts a youth rider with no helmet or protective gear riding a low-quality machine. The article then goes on to mention toddler injuries. Most ATVs are not designed to carry passengers, let alone small children. Parents must make sure to protect their children by purchasing age- and size-appropriate, quality machines, and protective clothing including boots and a properly-fitting, safety-approved helmet.

Also, ATV riding is not a summer sport due to the higher temperatures and dusty conditions.

The author has done a great disservice to the ATV community by showing ATVs as an integral part of trauma season, when the true problem lies with improper parental supervision.

Geni Robinson

Fascism lives on

The Zimmerman verdict is emblematic of larger racist and fascist ideologies driving America.

Observing this troubling trend in the ’80s, I concluded “America is the debt collector for a worldwide protection racket.” During the Iran-Contra hearings, Sen. Daniel Inouye stated, “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

This shadowy influence hasn’t diminished. Laws like “stand your ground” demonstrate that Bush’s Doctrine of Pre-emptive Strikes has trickled down to the smallest, most depraved component of us.

Trickle-down immorality—unlike trickle-down economics—works.

The media’s canonization of criminality is seen in its “lock-step sacrosanct” love affair with Zionism. However, Israel’s policy toward Palestinians differs little from early America’s Indian policy, or Nazi policy.

An influential man once remarked, “Only direct cooperation with the Arabs can create a dignified and secure existence. … I am saddened less by the fact that Jews are not clever enough to grasp this, but that they are not fair-minded enough to want it.”

Albert Einstein is gone and missed, yet his sad commentary remains true.

David Kiefer