Letters for August 12, 2010

Can they work it out?

Re “Showdown at Cottonwood Creek” (Cover story, by Meredith J. Cooper, Aug. 5):

The story clearly suggests that there are issues on both sides of the fence, and with some “common sense” [the parties] should be able to rectify those differences. I, too, would be standing my ground to access a piece of property, but also would work with the neighbors to find a solution and bury the hatchet.

This is an excellent story of human interest to get to the national networks to let the rest of America know this type of behavior is still going on and needs to be resolved so the rightful owners can access their land without incident.

As far as I know no private property is to be landlocked, and putting a locked gate up on a private access road that is considered a right of way and not providing a key to it is illegal. This then does make the property landlocked and the legal system needs to recognize it.

Richard Heinsohn

It truly is hard to believe that the Sheriff’s [Office], which is there to “protect and to serve,” would go along with this neighborhood conspiracy to keep this woman out of her own property. Any folks concerned about her causing trouble would be well served to write up a formal agreement with her allowing her access to her property in exchange for peace in the neighborhood.

While reading this story, I kept feeling that there was more to the story than we are hearing, perhaps more than the reporter was told. I’m sure time will tell as truth does have a way of coming out in the end.

Patricia Hall-West Mulder

What about the sick ones?

Re “Co-op owners say they feel ‘violated’ ”(Newlines, by Meredith J. Cooper, July 8):

It’s been a month now, and we haven’t heard a peep from law enforcement about these cannabis-club criminals. How about this question to help break the ice: How exactly do you propose we go about insuring that qualified cancer patients have safe access to clean, quality medicine?

You’ve already made them suffer for a month. Is this your permanent solution? Or are you going to try to take us all three steps back and claim that this is all a ruse just to get high? If you are not part of the solution …

I just wanted to give a big warm bear hug to those responsible for shutting down my medical-marijuana dispensary last month. Of course, like most of the others we are back in business. Local support has been amazing—we are getting tons of donations. By thinning out the weaker establishments, you have cut the competition and in the process doubled our business.

You have inadvertently given us more advertisement than we could ever purchase. We are getting visits from patients from throughout Northern California. So many people who would have never known we existed are now finding their way to us. Most of all you have united us in a strong brotherhood that would never have happened had you not intervened.

Not trying to be a wise guy here, but I have to ask you all, what in tarnation gave you the idea that you should waste all of this time, effort and money in a totally doomed effort to stifle something that more than 78 percent (and rising) of your constituents approve of?

Robert Galia

The meaning of ‘Christian’

Re “Are we a Christian nation?” (Letters, by Dave White, July 22):

One of the freedoms given to us by our founding fathers was the freedom of religion. It is assumed that would make us a Christian nation automatically. The fact of the matter is that this particular freedom is very broad and allows people to choose and follow their hearts in the way they want to serve God. Right from the beginning of this country this has been the case.

Mr. White makes a very broad statement when he claims that Muslim nations are hostile toward the USA because we are a Christian nation. Not so. By definition, religion means “that process by which one attains love of God,” nothing more. Any hatred toward the USA is political, not based on religion, and that goes for war, too. Besides, there are Muslims on nearly every continent, and they aren’t all hostile toward us.

Jesus Christ taught tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, compassion and love toward others. If Christians embraced these qualities, why not show this to everyone, including our president? Instead of slamming him, show support and pray for him. After all, President Obama is working hard for the American people.

Last, but not least, considering that freedom of religion actually exists in this country, and our president represents every American, is there any harm if President Obama visits a mosque and worships with Muslim-Americans? Wouldn’t that go for any of us?

Bhaktilila Dasi
Forest Ranch

County’s ‘false outrage’

Regarding the Lower Tuscan Aquifer Monitoring, Recharge and Data Management Project:

Butte County staff and some county supervisors seem offended that anybody would think that Butte County isn’t doing everything it can to protect Sacramento Valley water.

If Butte County were, like AquAlliance, filing protests and lawsuits against ongoing water transfers “sending water south,” then I’d think that the “outrage” felt by some elected officials was justified. However, given the fact that Butte County hasn’t lifted a finger about tens of thousands of acre-feet of water transfers south, it’s false outrage.

The state is giving bond act money to Butte County to “study” the Tuscan Aquifer because they want your water! The Statement of Work says: “Components of this project include groundwater production wells, recharge, and monitoring to ensure that local needs are met in a sustainable manner while helping to meet water quality standards in the Bay-Delta and water supply needs in other parts of the State of California.”

How is using local groundwater to solve water problems to the south in the best interests of Butte County?

Wake up, people of Butte County. You are being robbed of your water supplies by the very people who are supposed to represent you. Don’t let their false outrage fool you. The Sacramento Valley is the next Owens Valley. The lower Tuscan Aquifer and all who depend on it are at great risk.

Tom Stokely
AquAlliance Member
Mt. Shasta City

Keep the noise down

Re “The motocross courses next door” (Newlines, by Robert Speer, Aug. 5):

I have had somewhat the same problem periodically with trail bikes, quad runners, three-wheelers, etc., racing around on the vacant acreage behind my house. Even with a substantial hearing loss I can attest to the fact that they can be a substantial nuisance and detriment, and, of course, a fire hazard.

I 100 percent support the need for an enforceable noise ordinance in Butte County. We all have the right to quiet enjoyment of our homes/dwellings.

Supervisors: Get real. It is well past time to get an effective noise ordinance on the books in Butte County. Looks to me like a reasonable one has already been presented to you.

Gordon Jones

In a time of suffering …

Re “We need reality-based leadership” (Guest comment, by Evan LeVang, July 29):

Thanks for challenging the choir singing the “California is broke” song. California is not Madagascar. There is plenty of money in California. All we need is the will to break the corporate tax breaks hidden behind Prop 13.

It’s become a moral issue. In a time of suffering, why aren’t the rich taxed in proportion to their exorbitant lifestyle? In a time of suffering, who will end up on the streets, in over-crowded nursing homes, jails and other institutions? Whose families and communities will bear the burden? Who will live and who will die?

Thanks to the Northern California State Budget Alliance (NCSBA) and Evan LeVang.

Adrienne Lauby