Laying down for Earth Day

‘Sky Artist’ Daniel Dancer returns to Chico

<br>Many Chico residents came to support and participate in the Art for the Sky project which was one of the features of this year’s Chico Earth Flags Project—though not even a 10th as many as the 1,000 who were invited. The event, held Monday (April 13), featured the acclaimed “Earth Educator and Sky Artist” Daniel Dancer. A former Chico State University student, and founder of the Art for the Sky Project, Dancer travels to many schools all over the globe in the hopes of further educating the public about the Earth. Participants who were a part of the Art of the Sky project were choreographed laying down in matching dark blue to represent a giant Earth Flag and photographed at 100 feet in the air by Dancer himself. For more details on the amazing works of Art for the Sky, visit <a (Dancer’s site).

Many Chico residents came to support and participate in the Art for the Sky project which was one of the features of this year’s Chico Earth Flags Project—though not even a 10th as many as the 1,000 who were invited. The event, held Monday (April 13), featured the acclaimed “Earth Educator and Sky Artist” Daniel Dancer. A former Chico State University student, and founder of the Art for the Sky Project, Dancer travels to many schools all over the globe in the hopes of further educating the public about the Earth. Participants who were a part of the Art of the Sky project were choreographed laying down in matching dark blue to represent a giant Earth Flag and photographed at 100 feet in the air by Dancer himself. For more details on the amazing works of Art for the Sky, visit (Dancer’s site).

Photo By daniel dancer
