Kosovo loves us!
Approval of U.S. abroad remains low

After the free-fall of approval in response to President Trump’s first year in office, the world’s image of U.S. leaders has remained steady after year No. 2. It’s still pretty crummy, though, with 31 percent approving and 40 percent disapproving of our country’s leadership—that’s compared with 48 percent approval and 28 percent disapproval in 2016, Barack Obama’s last year as president. Of the top four global powers, only Russia’s leadership has a lower 2018 approval (30 percent), while both China (34 percent) and Germany (39 percent) outpace the U.S. Measured by continent, Europe hates us the most, with a mere 24 percent approval (ranging from Russia’s 11 percent to Kosovo’s 80 percent) and Africans seem comparatively giddy with Trump and company. at rate of 52 percent.
Source: Gallup’s 2019 Rating World Leaders report