Just good people
Bermie Moran

Photo By C. Moore
Bermie Moran is an all-around nice lady. This good Samaritan has made 1,067 lap blankets for John Muir and Enloe hospitals and donated 10 gallons and eight pints of blood to blood banks. She always has a smile on her face and some homemade biscotti (the best I’ve ever had) to share. Could she get any more darling? Quite possibly. She also collects hippos. More than 800 grace her Chico home. I was invited in, charmed, inspired and then sent home with some biscotti of my own.
Is it OK if I ask your age?
Eighty-two. I’m not ashamed of it. [laughs]
So, you do all of these nice things for people … you’re a real good Samaritan. When did you start giving blood?
Not that long. I’m not sure. I haven’t done it the whole time I’ve been up here, either. I’d have to ask the blood bank when I started. [laughs] I’m not positive what year it was, but I was doing it once a month, for awhile. I couldn’t do the plasma anymore. Down in Walnut Creek, I used to give a little bit, but not as much as up here. When I came up here I didn’t do it right away.
Are you still donating blood now?
Not right now, because of my hand. I could go back in any time now. Start again.
Why did you start donating blood?
Just the idea of helping people live. And then I helped myself when I had a big operation. I went and donated three pints for myself. [laughs]
When did you start doing all of these nice things for people?
I started making lap robes during the, when was it, when we started crocheting peace and love and so forth. When was that, the 50s or 60s? I used to do a lot of needlepoint. I’d paint the picture on the canvas and then I’d do the needlepoint and give it to friends.
I couldn’t help but notice the hippos all over the place. When did you start collecting them?
Oh, I guess about 30 years ago, now. My aunt asked me what I wanted to collect and I said nothing. [laughs] She said, oh you have to collect something. I don’t even know why, but I said hippos. And then she gave me my first hippo, a beautiful white porcelain one. And now I have over 800. I got 17 for Christmas. I don’t know how they find them, even. [laughs]
Have you ever seen a real hippo?
At the zoo, years and years ago. I wouldn’t want to get close to one, like I get close to these.
What words of wisdom would you want to share with our readers?
Laughter is the best medicine. It helps a lot. [laughs]