It’s your town

Community workshopsSat., Dec. 8, 10 a.m.-noon, Manzanita Place (Elks Lodge). Mon., Dec. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m., The Arc, 2020 Park Ave.

What will Chico look like in 2030? And what difference will it make to you?

The answer to the first question is up in the air right now, as the city starts updating its general plan. What Chico will look like in 23 years will depend to a great extent on what goes into that plan.

The second question, however, can be answered with some certainty. For many Chicoans, the plan will determine how far they will drive (or, preferably, walk, bicycle or take the bus) to work each day, what kind of housing they will live in, whether there will be a park nearby, how vibrant downtown will be—in short, the very nature of life in Chico.

Planning Services Director Steve Peterson wants Chicoans to know that the city is committed to an “inclusive and relevant” process for the new plan. Right now it is gathering information from as many people as possible, asking them what they want Chico to be in the future. It’s already conducted a phone survey, and it will be meeting with some 15 stakeholder groups in coming weeks.

But two of the most important events are taking place this Saturday and Monday, when the city will hold a pair of identical “visioning” workshops. The workshops will take participants through a series of exercises designed, Peterson said, to give everyone “the opportunity to share the things about Chico they would preserve, improve or change.”

This is a chance for all of us who love this town to play a role in shaping it. We hope to see you there.