Insert pot/potty pun here

Medi-pot ordinance and sewer rates on council agenda

A public hearing on the city of Chico’s controversial draft ordinance related to medical-marijuana dispensaries is headed to council chambers on Tuesday (June 7), along with another public hearing on proposed sewer-fee increases.

The meeting may finally put to rest the long-debated issue of medi-pot dispensaries within city limits. Members of the City Council and staff have been grappling with the issue for about a year and a half. At the last council meeting on the issue in March, a majority of the panel supported the idea of permitting only two dispensaries, and allowing its members to grow off-site.

Under the city’s sewer plan, rates for residences would increase by $5.99 per month by fiscal year 2013-14. The North Valley Property Owners Association is encouraging residents to turn in written protests to the City Clerk’s Office by the June 7 deadline.