Inner sanctum
L.A. band Inner wows Chicoans at the Red Room and Chico State

Jennifer Turner croons Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” while drummer Sam Omeechevarria does Bonzo proud during Inner’s show at Chico State’s Free Speech Area.
Photo by Tom Angel
“We’re a little frazzled,” admits Inner’s singer-songwriter-guitarist Jennifer Turner.
Turner, drummer Sam Omeechevarria and bassist-keyboardist-vocalist-songwriter Erica Quitzow are setting up to play an Associated Students “nooner” in the Free Speech Area at Chico State University. Turner goes on to tell me that the band drove straight down from a show in Ashland, Ore., arriving in Chico early this morning for its two gigs locally. Even given their exhaustion, the band sets up and proceeds to knock everyone out with an intriguing, moving set of eclectically rhythmic tunes, most originals.
The one exception is an absolutely electrifying rendition of Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir.” Turner’s dense, buzzing guitar sound would do Jimmy Page proud. Instead of a Mellotron, keyboardist Quitzow mimics the “strings” on her vintage-looking Moog, and drummer Omeechevarria chops away with all the flair of the late John Bonham.
That night, Inner occupies the middle spot of a three act show at The Red Room. Rejuvenated by rest, the group giddily runs through its originals, the peculiar yet invigorating rhythms inducing everyone to start moving to its syncopations. And out of the blue, Inner treats us to another Zep cover, this time “Black Dog.” There is so much fire and perfection in the rendition, some goof in the back shouts to Turner, “I love yooooou!”
Both Chico shows were absolutely great. Over the phone later, Turner says Inner will try to make it back up to Chico in November. Don’t miss it.