Hydrogen peroxide: for external use only
Drinking H202 is dangerous

California Poison Control tells us that it is seeing an uptick in calls related to concentrated hydrogen peroxide ingestion. The 3 percent diluted stuff in the brown bottle at drugstores is a great antiseptic for treating small cuts and wounds, cleaning house, treating ear infections, removing stains and dozens of other uses. But it’s also caught on as “oxygen therapy,” with unsubstantiated claims of boosting the body’s ability to destroy cancer cells, helping with multiple sclerosis and even treating HIV. There are no reputable studies to support these claims. Even worse, some people are using concentrated industrial-grade hydrogen peroxide, one gulp of which can cause gallons of oxygen bubbles to form in one’s gut. These bubbles can perforate intestines and travel into the arteries of the heart, lungs and brain with serious consequences including heart attacks, strokes, seizures and respiratory distress. Use H202 for inexpensive hair highlights, but please don’t drink the stuff.
Source: California Poison Control