How much do we earn?

Less than the national average, it turns out

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average worker in the Chico Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Butte County, earned $20.12 per hour in May 2011, about 7 percent below the U.S. average of $21.74 per hour.

Additional employment and wage data showed that:

• Management occupations were highest paid, at $43.86 per hour, followed by legal occupations at $40.03 per hour (both were 15 percent under the national average, however).

• Health-care support occupations such as dental assistants and pharmacy aides accounted for 5 percent of local employment, compared to 3.1 percent nationally.

• Home health aides averaged $9.31 per hour and had a total employment count of 800.

• Office and administrative support occupations had the largest share of employment, at 17.5 percent.

A final note: CN&R employees were not surprised to learn that their category—arts, design, entertainment, sports and media—averaged $19.45 per hour, a full 25 percent less than the national average of $25.89 per hour.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,