Hot fun in the summertime
A salute to summer

It’s taken a while—not to mention months of unseasonably cool weather and a whole lot of rain—to get here, but we’ve finally made it.
Witness: May has ended. The U-Hauls are loaded and pulling out of town. Rental signs are in bloom. Parking spaces have opened. Lines are shorter. The Silver Dollar Fair has come and gone. The Friday-night Concerts in the Park and the Thursday Night Market are just getting started.
Summer has arrived.
Chico neophytes and its naïve visitors say they are stunned by the summer temperatures here. But real Chicoans accept and even revel in the heat that cooks our fair town from June through September.
Having said that, we offer our annual guide to making the most of your Chico summer. In addition to our longer stories, we’ve added several “Quick Dips"— short takes on fun summertime activities—for your enjoyment. Have a good one.
Greetings from Lassen and Plumas National Forests
A scenic guide to a couple of good campsites within a few hours driving distance from Chico
Tickets to ride
A look at the diverse array of nearby summer music festivals
We be clubbin’
Miniature golf is revived in Chico—minus the windmills
Summer of sequel
Here’s our summer movie forecast: 70 percent chance of sequels, 25 percent chance of disappointment and 86.5 percent chance of fun
Quick Dips
Buy a convertible
…or at least test-drive one.
How to be cool
It ain’t pretty but it works
Summer stars
Go to the Observatory
Garden party
Grow your own and pass it around