Help the weird, help the world
Offbeat charities to help the planet

If you have any green to spare in the new year, we suggest giving to one of these green, outside-the-box eco-charities.
Become a lord or lady: If you own land in Scotland, you can (sort of) be called “Lord” or “Lady.” And Highland Titles, a Scottish conservation group, is selling chunks of land on its Glencoe Estate—from one square foot ($49.99) to 1,000 square feet ($499.99)—that are accompanied by the appropriate (unofficial) title of Lord/Lady, as well as a guarantee that the section of nature reserve will be protected from development. Visit for more info.
Butterfly trees: Monarch butterflies have it hard enough, migrating and returning up and down North, Central and South America. Help them out by purchasing trees ($25 for 50 trees, $50 for 100) to be planted in deforested areas of Mexico where the butterflies spend the winter. Visit for more info.
Buy crap: As the accompanying video on the Oxfam website suggests, we can all give a shit. For $12 you can give a donation of manure to help the relief organization’s agriculture efforts. Visit for info.