Happy birthday, Bidwell Park!
Give the park the gift of being clean

On Saturday, July 10, it will have been 105 years since Annie Bidwell signed the grant deed giving nearly 2,000 acres of land to Chico to be used for a public park. To mark the occasion, why not pitch in and help spruce up the ol’ girl? The city of Chico needs volunteers for litter control and trail maintenance, and Friends of Bidwell Park can always use more hands with its ongoing invasive-plant removal efforts. For more info, visit the city’s website at www.chico.ca.us (select the “Bidwell Park” department) or call volunteer coordinator Lise Smith-Peters at 896-7831. Visit FOBP at www.friendsofbidwellpark.com, or contact Susan Mason at 321-3406.
How long till that park trash biodegrades?
Cotton rags 1-5 months
Paper 2-5 months
Orange peels 6 months
Cigarette butts 1-12 years
Plastic-coated paper cartons 5 years
Plastic bags 10-20 years
Nylon fabric 30-40 years
Aluminum cans 80-100 years
Plastic six-pack holder rings 450 years
Glass bottles 1 million years
Plastic bottles indefinitely
Source: www.friendsofbidwellpark.org