Green giants
UK’s The Observer publishes top-20 list of worldwide sustainability leaders

British newspaper The Observer published on Jan. 16 its top-20 list of people “who will be setting the global environmental agenda in the coming year.” Titled “Green giants: the eco power list,” it is a precursor to the U.K.’s upcoming 2011 Observer Ethical Awards presentation—dubbed the “green Oscars.”
On the list:
• New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who heads up the C40, a climate-change-focused group comprising the leaders of the 40 biggest cities worldwide
• Evo Morales, president of Bolivia
• Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally, who recently unveiled the new Ford Focus Electric
• Actor and sustainable builder Brad Pitt, whose Make It Right Foundation recently built 13 homes in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward
• Joel Salatin, famous Virginia farmer who recently spoke in Chico
• Henry Saragih, chairman of the Indonesian Peasant Union
• Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who got props as the “Emissions Terminator” for his work to cut greenhouse emissions as well as “effectively outlaw[ing] his very own Hummer.”
See the complete list at