Go Tofurky for a tryptophan-free Thanksgiving

Tired of feeling sleepy after a big, fat helping of turkey? Or maybe you simply want to go meatless on Thanksgiving? Either way, it can still feel like the holidays if you serve Tofurky, a soy-based roast with a turkey-like texture.

Oregon-based Turtle Island Foods offers up a variety of holiday vegetarian products, such as roasts, gravy and stuffing. The company is a certified organic processor and doesn’t use any genetically engineered ingredients.

Here’s a recipe for roast Tofurky with carmalized onion and cherry relish:

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 cup dried sour cherries
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons apple cider
1 Tofurky roast

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat, adding the onions, cherries, brown sugar and vinegar, and stir occasionally until the onions are soft. Next, add the mustard and apple cider, and simmer for two minutes.

Coat the roast with the onion mixture and cover it snugly with a sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Place the Tofurky in a roasting pan on the center rack of the oven. Bake it for a total of 45 minutes, uncovering it for the last 10 minutes. Slice the roast with a bread knife. Spoon juices from the pan over the Tofurky and serve.

Source: www.tofurky.com