Go out in style
Curtis Gollihar

Photo By Marisol Salgado
A memorial stone may be the last item on life’s shopping list—literally—but the Solar Stone will change how you view the traditional marker of death. “It’s an inevitable thing,” said 21-year-old Curtis Gollihar, the inventor of a unique new alternative to traditional tombstones. The Paradise resident said to expect the Solar Stone to be the most personal memorial stone out there and for it to hit the market soon—hopefully. Gollihar is in the process of acquiring licensing for his product and can’t give too many details, including how it operates and what it’s made of. “Basically, I can’t talk about everything that makes it as special as it is,” he admitted. But he did say the stone comes in different materials, sizes and colors and, most important, it’s cost-effective. So, keep your eye out.
What can you say about the Solar Stone?
That it’s amazing, it really is. It’s special. I never really thought about it like that before I created it. I really think that it will help people move on because it is so unique.
Why is the Solar Stone special?
There is nothing else out on the market like this. I know because Invent-Tech gave me a portfolio filled with results from a database search with the U.S. patent office and all the documents that were ever filed that were related to what I invented. I had to look through all of them to make sure that none of them were like it. And none of them were.
What does your family think about your idea?
They’re excited about it. They want one already.
Most people try and avoid anything that has to do with death. You’re only 21, and you were 18 when you conceived this idea—why were you thinking about death at such a young age?
I spent most of my time hanging out in a cemetery for whatever reasons. Also, my great-grandmother never had a tombstone; I’d always wanted to see something more. I am not afraid of death, I feel like it’s a natural part of life. And I wanted a new way for people to remember and celebrate someone who has passed on. I don’t want cemeteries to be all creepy anymore.
Can’t you give just a little hint?
I really believe it will reduce vandalism. To find out how, I guess you’ll have to await the debut of the Solar Stone somewhere in the near future.