Free for all
Your randomized guide to the recall

When recall fever broke out in California, it seemed like everyone and his porn star cousin was lining up to run for governor. The logistics were nightmarish. As a little weekly in an insignificant little town, how were we supposed to cover this election in a way that was informative, useful and yet still reflective of the craziness of the recall itself?
Then it hit us. We couldn’t interview every candidate in-depth, nor could we focus on just one or two candidates without duplicating the efforts of every other paper in the state. So why not just ask one question of every candidate? And to be fair, why not randomly match the question to the candidate? And why not ask questions that—just like the candidates—were either relevant, goofy, bizarre or serious? At the time, it seemed a monumental idea, an ambitious and, dare we say, revolutionary idea.
Then again, maybe it was a stupid idea—just like the election itself.
Some candidates dropped out of the race before we could contact them. Others were angry that we weren’t taking their candidacies seriously enough; and still others were apparently too busy or too stuck-up to respond. None of the frontrunners returned our many faxes, phone calls and e-mails.
Those who did respond, however, tell us a great deal about our state, our culture and the forces driving this election. Many of our respondents probably deserve to be governor more than the person who will eventually take that office; but of course they don’t have a chance in Hades.
Perhaps the best thing to come out of this experiment (and who knows, maybe the recall too) is that the little people with the big ideas—the people traditionally left out of the political arena—have finally been given a voice (albeit in a tiny weekly in an insignificant town). Hooray for democracy! Hooray for the recall! Now get out there and vote!
1: Daniel C. “Danny” Ramirez (D), businessman/ entrepreneur, Calexico
2: Christopher Ranken (D), planning commissioner, Pacifica
Anti-recall candidate who has no political aspirations.
As governor, who would be the first person you’d fire?
Myself. My only goal as governor would be to repeal the recall provision in our constitution. The recall provision is fatally flawed: It leads to circus-like elections and is a subversion of democracy. After I accomplish this goal, I will resign the governor’s office.
3: Jeff Rainforth (I), marketing coordinator, Sacramento
4: Kurt E. “Tachikaze” Rightmyer (I), middleweight sumo wrestler, West Covina
5: Daniel W. Richards (R), businessman, San Bernardino
6: Kevin Richter (R), information technology manager, Manteca
7: Reva Renee Renz (R), small-business owner, Tustin
A self-described “former party girl turned Republican” and owner of Deva’s, a bar in Tustin, Renz is running as much to support the recall as she is to lobby for less taxation, especially of cigarettes and alcohol.
Do you feel other candidates and the press have treated you fairly in this campaign?
I have been treated extremely well by the press. Everyone from the news channels to the humor columnists have been overwhelmingly polite and respectful of my ideas. The candidates that I have met are genuinely concerned citizens that sincerely want to make this great state of California a better place!
8: Sharon Rushford (I), businesswoman, Santa Clara
9: Georgy Russell (D), software engineer, Pinole
Clean elections, clean energy and a cleaned-up justice system are Russell’s battle cries, and she has some pretty sane and simple ideas for approaching the issues.
Do you have a favorite Beatle?
John, of course.
10: Michael J. Wozniak (D), retired police officer, Oakland
11: Daniel Watts (G), student, San Jose
Watts is a college student who is obviously not really running for governor. As you can see by his answer, lowering fees at California’s colleges is his chief concern.
What would you do to support local government and prevent the state from balancing its budget on the backs of local governments? (Question submitted by Chico Police Chief Bruce Hagerty.)
I’m a one-issue candidate, concentrating on the 40-percent hike in tuition at California’s public colleges. My goal isn’t to get elected but to convince the major candidates to adopt a “lower student fees” plank into their platform. Treat my candidacy as a referendum on lower student fees.
12: Nathan Whitecloud Walton (I), student, San Diego
13: Maurice Walker (G), real-estate appraiser, San Leandro
14: Chuck Walker (R), business intelligence analyst, Scotts Valley
Bringing businesses back to the state via tax incentives and giving big businesses “a break” by lowering their taxes are a couple of Walker’s ideas.
Kings, Lakers, Clippers or Warriors?
Clippers? You must be joking. Are they still a team? Warriors are perennial losers, so it’s hard to cheer them on. So that just leaves the Lakers and the Kings. I gotta go with the Kings. Lakers? Yeah, they are good, but I don’t live there. Kings are going all the way this year. Nuff said!
15: Lingel H. Winters (D), consumer business attorney, San Francisco
Anti-recall Democrat who is seeking office as a “career citizen, not a career politician.”
Community colleges receive less than half the funding per student as CSUs and less than a quarter of what the UC schools receive per student. What would you do to improve funding for community colleges? (Submitted by Pat Blythe, Butte College)
I would roll back the tuition increases.
16: C.T. Weber (PF), labor official/analyst, Sacramento
Weber works for the state helping truckers with their state-mandated paperwork and is against the recall.
Contrast the messages contained in the current hit single “Where is the Love” by Black Eyed Peas (featuring Justin Timberlake) with those contained in Public Enemy’s classic “Fight the Power” and relate them both to how your political platform is better-suited than any other candidate’s to solving California’s problems. (Submitted by Boomer Davis, DJ, Club 96.7)
“Fight the Power” is a declaration of intent to educate ourselves and to organize so that power is in the hands of the people. On the other hand, “Where is the Love” talks about issues in a world that has gone insane. Nations dropping bombs, chemical gases filling the lungs and killing children and wrong decisions that lead to war. They ask us to meditate, pray, and love one another. The lyrics of both songs contain important messages. A few people (i.e., the Power) are screwing us.
17: Jim Weir (D), community college teacher, Grass Valley
18: Bryan Quinn (R), businessman, San Jose
Quinn is a no-nonsense whippersnapper who isn’t old enough to drink yet. He plans to whip the state into shape with his sound business sense.
How should the state reduce its reliance on personal income taxes as a key component of the revenue stream and avoid the budgetary volatility of the past 25 years? (Submitted by Todd Thornton, KCHO public radio)
I believe that by declaring California insolvent, we can accomplish this. My economic plan is different from every other one because it focuses on actually getting California back to where it once was: AAA credit rating. Obtaining this must be seen as the key issue to Californians, because without it this state will continue to pay outrageously high interest rates.
19: Michael Jackson (R), satellite project manager, Los Angeles
20: John “Jack” Mortensen (D), contractor/ businessman, Folsom
Self-described “renegade Democrat” Mortensen believes the “Republican move was a pre-planned, scripted event (including Arnold).” He, on the other hand, is not attached to the “political machine.”
Do you blame the media?
The media are controlled by the same interests that hold our government hostage. I blame the media for not allowing the serious non-political candidate a fair voice. The people have a right to hear and make their own decisions. I as many other citizen candidates do not have millions to run a campaign, therefore we rely on the media. I have sent seven press releases, called one press conference and interviewed with newspaper media. To date, they have printed only what is unimportant and unworthy.
21: Darryl L. Mobley (I), businessman/entrepreneur, Danville

22: Jeffrey L. Mock (R), business owner, Rancho Palos Verdes
23: Bruce Margolin (D), marijuana legalization attorney, West Hollywood
24: Gino Martorana (R), restaurant owner, Kingsburg
How do you, a member of the minority party, expect to obtain budgetary cuts and a shift from a Democrat-held Legislature? (Submitted by Bob Grierson, Chico airport manager)
The fact that there would be a governor that is not of their party would put all of us at a disadvantage because there would no longer be someone who will just rubber stamp what they want. Plus I would be calling them out on each and every bill they try to push through that is not in the best interest of the people.
25: Paul Mariano (D), attorney, Martinez
26: Robert C. Mannheim (D), retired businessman, Agoura Hills
Retired CPA and member of the State Bar of California, Mannheim knows money and knows that big business is getting away with murder. A vote for Mannheim is a vote for the promise to support the rights or “real citizens (labor)” over the rights of “fictional citizens (corporations).”
Can you kick Jesse Ventura’s ass?
Yes. Sometime around the 17th century, brawn lost the battle when people decided on a government of laws to protect their life, liberty and property. Unregulated competition results in huge corporate fraud; lower wages and benefits for people’s hard work; and, ultimately the loss of our American way of life.
27: Frank A. Macaluso Jr. (D), physician, Visalia
28: Paul “Chip” Mailander (D), golf professional, Rancho Santa Fe
Mailander is a golf pro and instructor who has made absolutely no comments about his platform except his answer to the question below.
What is your greatest personal weakness (besides chocolate)?
Let see, my greatest personel weekness—would have to be spelling! Thanks the truth hurts.
29: Dennis Duggan McMahon (R), banker, San Francisco
30: Mike McNeilly (R), artist, Beverly Hills
31: Mike McCarthy (I), used-car dealer, San Luis Obispo
The only used-car dealer on the ballot, McCarthy is trying to change negative perceptions of the pre-owned-vehicle industry through “honesty, integrity and hard work.” He plans to do the same for the state if elected governor.
Have you ever been to Chico? What do you think of Chico?
Yes!! My campaign manager, Robin Marcucci, had a small business there, and I used to come up and visit. I love Chico, the tubing, the people and of course the park. We are planning on visiting Chico in the next three weeks prior to the election. I am looking forward to that trip.
32: Bob McClain (I), civil engineer, Oakland
A moderate with no political experience, McClain is focused on California’s budget woes and promises long-term fiscal responsibility.
If you were a tree, would you clear-cut?
Interesting question. I can only wonder what the other 134 questions were like, and how many pitchers of beer you went through to come up with them all. If I were a tree, I would not clear-cut. It would ravage my neighborhood and take years for it to return to how it once was. My friends and neighbors would lose their homes and be forced to move away. It would all be rather sad and traumatic.
33: Tom McClintock (R), state senator, Granada Hills
34: Jonathan Miller (D), small-business owner, San Mateo
35: Carl Mehr (R), businessman, San Diego
Korean War veteran and real-estate developer, Mehr (a.k.a. Humble Carl) is seeking office to return power to the people. He sees the recall as “the joke of the nation” and is fed up with the political polarization of the state.
If you repeal the vehicle license fee, how do you pay for law enforcement, which is where all that V.L.F. money goes? (Submitted by Bob Mulholland, campaign adviser to the California Democratic Party)
Before the vehicle license fee increase we paid for law enforcement. Let’s continue to pay for it in the same manner as before. Am I dumb or something, or was this a dumb trick question?
36: Scott A. Mednick (D), business executive, Calabasas
This “serial entrepreneur” is using the election to promote his ButtMonkey Beer and generally have a good time. He told the Washington Post he’ll be the “first branded political candidate and sell space on my body like NASCAR.”
Should Prop. 13 be repealed or modified? (Submitted by Brewster Beattie, Chico Association of Realtors)
We at The ButtMonkey Beer party are convinced beyond any doubt that Prop. 13 should be modified. Our polling data indicate that the vast majority of California taxpayers are simply spooked by the number 13. We will calm those nervous citizens and immediately rename it with a much more calming number.
37: Dorene Musilli (R), educator/ businesswoman, San Francisco
A third-generation San Franciscan, the conservative Musilli is personally funding her campaign. The former bed-and-breakfast owner and Sonoma County school board member opposes abortion and supports gun owners’ rights.
Chico hot dog stand entrepreneur John Geiger asked her: What specifically would you do to close corporate tax loopholes?
It depends what “loopholes” mean. Some are legitimate and worthwhile. I expanded my business (sole proprietorship) from four employees to 250, reaping the benefits from “loopholes” such as capital spending incentives and employee tax credits. Some “loopholes” are used by businesses in a corrupt and self-serving way.
38: Van Vo (R), radio producer/ businessman
39: Paul Vann (R), financial planner, Irvine
Vann, who has a penchant for puns, says it’s time to put the “gold” back in the tarnished Golden State. He’d dock legislators a day’s pay for each day the budget is late, fix workers’ comp, and draw voter district lines automatically.
Chico environmentalist Tanya Heinrich asked how to balance population growth with preservation of natural resources.
The ebb & flow of population is best left to natural selection. Politicians have never been able to make good long-term decisions. If the quality of life dissipates in California, people will stop coming and in fact move out, as is happening now in California.
40: Jim Vandeventer Jr. (R), salesman/businessman, Santa Monica
Vandeventer, who used to sell BMWs in Beverly Hills, may get run off the road by his fellow Republicans. He supports amnesty for illegal aliens, legal abortion and gay marriage and would fight global warming.
Is California’s recall law insane or what? (Submitted by Legal Aid attorney Laurel Blankinship)
To hear it told, you have the Republicans and Democrats blaming each other. Bottom line, Governor Davis and the legislators are all accountable regardless of their party affiliation. The legislators spent the money we didn’t have, and Gray Davis signed off on it. Now, it’s time to clean it up with new responsible leadership.
41: Bill Vaughn (D), structural engineer, Lafayette
42: Marc Valdez (D), air pollution scientist, Sacramento
Valdez claims he is “the lesser of 135 evils.” His chief cause is labor, but he’d also repeal Prop. 13 and pardon the occasional prisoner.
How come I’m getting less and less (benefits, money, quality time…)? (Submitted by local musician Christine LaPado)
I remember the first time I ever saw a piñata. I waited expectantly for the candy avalanche below the colorful papier-mâché donkey as the birthday kid swung away with a bat. Wham! Bam! All the kids brutally kicked me aside to catch the cascade of sweets! Never got a piece! Same problem you got!
43: Mohammad Arif (I), businessman, Culver City
When Arianna Huffington said she was the only non-Republican immigrant candidate, she overlooked scrappy Pakistani Mohammad Arif. Besides decriminalizing marijuana, Arif would end the three-strikes law for nonviolent criminals and abolish the death penalty.
Can you turn it around? (Submitted by local musician Christine LaPado)
Yes. We have to control the expenses and [improve] the economy by encouraging foreign investment. I would concentrate on public works programs where we can have undocumented people participating in the economy. … They are educated and most of them are hard workers. [We could devise] a point system like Canada’s, and they could pay taxes.
44: Angelyne (I), entertainer, Hollywood
Angelyne, best known for her cleavage-baring billboards, is selling light-up campaign necklaces, and her platform includes: no bribes, upgrading the school system, doing only necessary roadwork, eliminating homelessness and painting the Capitol building pink.
How do we get the corrupt money out of the Swiss banks?
The corrupt money in the Swiss accounts should be a lesson [to] us taxpayers to say no to all the crooked politicians robbing us. We have been apathetic, and we have allowed that money to be stolen from us. We need to say no to the crooked politicians that are robbing us.
45: Douglas Anderson (R), mortgage broker, Simi Valley
Anderson supports the 2nd Amendment, worries about water storage and illegal immigrants and he umpires men’s softball. During the same week, Anderson was seen both on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and campaigning in Magalia.
What will you do about border/immigration issues with Mexico?
How far away from the border does it become the state’s problem: 10, 25, 100 feet? From that point I will add the National Guard, making a second line of defense, and control the influx of illegal immigrants. We have to know who is in this state after 9/11!
46: Iris Adam
(NL), business analyst, Irvine
Adam is a fan of organic agriculture and opposes dependence on foreign oil. She works at an engineering school and wants to unlock the “creative potential” of every student.
What about escalating prison spending, e.g., for non-violent offenders?
We will cut our burgeoning prison population in half by decriminalizing nonviolent drug offenses, directing such offenders to drug education, prevention and rehabilitation programs. … Only about 20 percent of total drug-abuse costs are crime related. The remaining 80 percent of costs are tied to health, absenteeism, lost productivity, etc.
47: Brooke Adams (I), business executive, Dana Point
In the pageant that is California’s gubernatorial recall, 25-year-old former high-school homecoming queen Adams, a judge’s daughter, landed the queen of diamonds spot in the “Total Recall” playing card deck.
What do you think the average person wants?
Leadership! I’ve got a clear vision. An immediate call for a special legislative session to overhaul taxes and spending. A simple, fair, flat tax. Roll back DMV fees. Block services to illegal immigrants. Eliminate bloated agencies. Fix workers’ comp. My administration will focus on individual freedom, personal responsibility and smaller government.
48: Alex-St. James (R), public-policy strategist, Sacramento
49: Jim Hoffmann
(R), teacher
A teacher, Hoffmann promises to balance the budget within two years, hold a statewide budget summit and build a Lupus and Genetic Disease Research Center in the High Desert.
Where is the armpit of California?
San Jose, near the area of Williams, Vicar and San Tomas Expressway.

50: Ken Hamidi (L), state tax officer, Sacramento
MBA Ken Hamidi immigrated from Iran to our fair state, where he worked three crappy jobs to support his family. He wants to improve the labor market and reduce state spending.
Have you ever been fired from a job?
Yes. I was fired from Intel when I was on disability, against their own policy and against the labor law policy. What happened with me started a movement and set a precedent with free speech and the Internet. I started sending out e-mail to inform and educate people. [Intel fought it but] I won my case at the Supreme Court.
51: Sara Ann Hanlon (I), businesswoman, Signal Hill
Hanlon, a former small-town mayor, is Harvard-educated and government-savvy. She’d rescind changes in workers’ comp laws and allow private school vouchers only for parents with children in underperforming schools.
California’s computer industry has been ailing since the dot-com bust. Do you have a plan to revive it?
The dot-com bust was caused by international businesses’ dramatic slowdown and subsequent reduction in new technology investment. California has the world’s fifth-largest economy and is a driving force in international business. As governor I would stimulate California’s business climate and work to open up our products to new trading partners.
52: Ivan A. Hall (G), custom denture manufacturer, Redding
Ivan Hall bills himself as “the solar candidate.” He held an $11-a-plate luncheon at a Marie Callender’s across the street from where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife was hosting a $150-a-plate fund-raiser.
Do you favor a type of guest worker program or would you rather see less foreign labor in the state?
America has always been a beacon of hope for the underclass. Let’s hope that never changes. People who come to America seeking work are not criminals. However, to maintain a proper balance, employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens should be fined appropriately. If we need workers let them come here.
53: John J. “Jack” Hickey (L), health care district director, San Mateo County
Jack Hickey, who looks both amicable and slightly Amish, is all about “local control.” He’d like to privatize the school system and phase out the state sales tax.
In your opinion, what is the most pressing infrastructure need in the state?
Rapid transit needs to be privatized to effect the growth in services necessary to support an expanded population. Transportation costs must be borne by users and by subsidies from other beneficiaries. Government involvement is counterproductive.
54: Ralph Hernandez (D), district attorney inspector, Antioch
A long career in law enforcement and experience on a city council are among the things Ralph Hernandez says qualify him for governor. He proposes “absolutely, positively” no tax increases.
Name your favorite figure from California history.
John Muir. He succeeded in establishing Yosemite National Park. He founded and was the first president of the Sierra Club. He dedicated himself to preserving the natural beauty, forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada ("God’s mountains"). His greatest loss was the battle to save Hetch Hetchy Valley.
55: C. Stephen Henderson (I), teacher, Monterey County
56: Arianna Huffington (I), author/ columnist/mother
57: Art Brown (D), film writer/ director
58: Joel Britton (I), retired meat packer
59: Audie Bock (D), educator/ small businesswoman, Oakland
Bock was thrown over by the Green Party that in 1999 elected her to the state Assembly after she refused to support Ralph Nader in the 2000 election. “I am the only pro-recall candidate with state-level policymaking experience,” Bock said.
Have you ever seen a psychologist, psychiatrist or other mental-health professional?
I do think that everyone involved in this race needs to have their head examined. [Therapy] is an important part of our society today because we’ve gotten so far away from any attachment to our religions, where we can go to our pastor and our priest. I’m old-fashioned. I still do that.
60: Vik S. Bajwa (D), businessman/entrepreneur, Santa Rosa
Bajwa’s childhood hero is JFK and he likens his dream to that of Martin Luther King Jr. He would try to reform education and penal systems, keep jobs in California, promote exportation of California agriculture and attract tourism.
Who is your favorite California author?
Ron Evans.
61: Badi Badiozamani (I), entrepreneur/author/executive, Los Angeles
Badiozamani’s Web site sports a photo of himself with President Bush and another with Cruz Bustamante. He holds a doctorate in political science and has written a book on relations between Iran and the United States.
What is your plan to make sure there will be adequate water to serve the residents of California, agriculture, environment and industry? (Submitted by Tod Kimmelshue, president of the Butte County Farm Bureau)
Badiozamani asked if he could have another question, believing that energy and transportation, not water, are the real issues in California. He was sitting in L.A. traffic at the time, and, though very polite, did not get back to us on this question.
62: Vip Bhola (R), attorney/ businessowner
63: John W. Beard (R), businessman, San Fernando Valley
Beard is proud of having gone from janitor to vice president at his family’s graphic arts firm. He’d treat Californians like “customers” and fix redundancies in state departments that wouldn’t fly in private business.
What you think of the idea of California being split into more than one state?
Border to north of the 26-mile drive in Monterey, border to the south of the good part of San Diego. Have all the liberals and tree huggers move north of Monterey. Have all illegals move south of the good part of San Diego. Anybody who would like to work and make some money stay within the two borders. Just joking.
64: Ed Beyer (R), chief operations officer, Orange County
65: John Christopher Burton (I), civil-rights lawyer
Attorney Burton wants to end the Iraq war and promote social equality, and he has a bilingual Web page. He declined the invitation to appear on The Tonight Show because it promoted “an unserious attitude toward the election.”
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I will not reply to this question because it is not aimed at a serious presentation of my political views. Millions of ordinary Californians are confronted today with pressing social, economic, and political questions on everything from the significance and nature of the recall itself, to the growth in unemployment, lack of health care, exploding costs for higher education, and the deterioration of the state’s social infrastructure.
66: Cruz M. Bustamante (D), lieutenant governor, Sacramento
67: Cheryl Bly-Chester (R), businesswoman/environmental engineer, Roseville
Bly-Chester believes that “When the educational system is also required to provide meals, security, transportation, public health programs, social services, language training, physical fitness, etc., the classroom suffers.”
Pick a theme song that would explain or support your strengths as a future governor. (Submitted by elementary school teacher Conrad Nystrom)
The theme song to Enterprise comes to mind. It speaks to my tenacity of spirit, focus on goals and irrepressible belief in myself. I encourage others to reach for the stars and lead by example. California needs a focused, decisive, and principled leader with a vision for our future.
68: B E Smith (I), lecturer, Trinity County
No, he’s not from the Saturday Night Live band. B E (no periods) Smith, a disabled Vietnam vet, is all for medical marijuana, even after spending two years in federal prison for growing pot.
Why do you stand out? (submitted by Tom Skowronski from the band Botchii.)
I will save California over $3 billion each year by pardoning all victimless crimes, roll back energy prices by negotiation or by the courts, and make neighborhoods safer because crime will decrease dramatically.
69: David Ronald Sams (R), businessman/producer/writer, Agoura Hills
As a TV producer David Sams has won nine Emmys. He accuses illegal immigrants of causing “economic terrorism” in California and promises to make prayer “the centerpiece of his daily schedule.”
This year California’s UC and CSU campuses will begin turning away thousands of students due to no money for enrollment growth. How will you as governor continue to support funding for K-12 while at the same time maintaining the possibility of the same kind of access to four-year higher education? (submitted by Rick Anderson, president of the CUSD Board of Trustees)
Education must come first, at the expense of all other programs—period. We must plant the seeds of knowledge in the minds of our children in order to protect California’s leadership in high-tech, bio-tech and aero-tech. Everyone benefits from more education. Those who receive a good education are simply more useful, more self-reliant citizens.
70: Jamie Rosemary Safford (R), business owner, Granite Bay
71: Lawrence Seven Strauss (D), lawyer/businessman, Studio City.
Regarding the budget crisis, should the state of California wear boxers, briefs or a thong?
A towel is all that is necessary because the politicians are making us “take a bath” regarding the budget crisis.
72: Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), actor, businessman, Los Angeles.
73: George Swartzman (I), businessman, Carlsbad.
Swartzman claims to run a compassionate business that helps people stay healthy.
Do you think using voting punch cards in some counties is wise given that it may be a very close recall election and in the aftermath of Bush/Gore voting in Florida of 2000?
No! I think voting punch cards are a terribly outdated method for voting. California is the high-tech capital of the world, and yet this state uses outdated and possibly faulty punch cards. When elected governor of California, out voting systems will modernize to 21st-century standards.
74: Mike Schmier (D), attorney, trustee of the Emeryville School District.
75: Darrin Scheidle (D), businessman, entrepreneur. El Cajon
Scheidle founded a mobile fingerprinting service for school districts, corporations and non-profits. He enjoys motorcycles, target shooting and professional fireworks displays.
If you’re elected governor, would you include the News & Review on your press release list?
Absolutely. It is necessary to keep the lines of communication open to the public by any and all means available. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail.
76: Bill Simon (R), businessman, failed gubernatorial candidate, Sacramento

77: Richard Simmons (I), attorney/businessman
Simmons (not of Sweatin’ to the Oldies fame) specializes in employment law.
Have you ever bounced a check?
Absolutely not.
78: Christopher Sproul (D), environmental attorney, San Francisco
A partner in a public-interest law practice, Environmental Advocates, Sproul exclusively represents non-profit environmental groups such as Our Children’s Earth Foundation, Communities for a Better Environment and the Sierra Club.
Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? If not, would you like to visit Chico?
I have never ridden a mechanical bull. I hear Chico is a nice enough place. My primary hobby is surfing, though, and obviously Chico doesn’t present much in the way of wave-riding opportunity. But a brief jaunt inland to visit Chico would be OK.
79: Ronald Sprague ( R), discrimination complaint investigator, Elk Grove
A self-described “Republicrat.”
Should we reconsider how we pay our legislators and other state office holders?
It’s way past time to rock their boat! They put us in this mess and kept it from us as long as they could, but it’s their turn now to pay the piper. I’d like to start by making the legislators’ positions part time with half the pay they’re now getting.
80: Tim Sylvester (D) entrepreneur, Sonora
81: Jack Loyd Grisham
(I), musician, laborer, Los Angeles
82: James H. Green (D), firefighter/paramedic/nurse, San Francisco
83: Garrett Gruener (D), high-tech entrepreneur, San Francisco
84: Gerold Lee Gorman, (D), engineer, Martinez
85: Rich Gosse (R), educator
Campaigning on the “fairness for singles” platform.
Even though you can’t pass a budget with deficits under state law, would you support passing a budget with high deficits, like President Bush, if you could?
I am opposed to President Bush’s $500 billion budget deficit and am glad that state law prevents us from having a budget deficit in California. We need to bring government spending under control, both here in California and also nationally.
86: Leo Gallagher (I), comedian
87: Joe Guzzardi (D), teacher/ journalist, Lodi
88: Jon Zellhoefer (R) energy consultant/engineer, Tecopa
Would you support legalizing lap-dancing like recall candidate Angylene? (Submitted by Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey)
I was not aware that lap dancing was illegal in California. Unfortunately, I am not an expert in this subject as Angylene appears to be. I do support state-operated gaming and an expansion of adult activity which will allow new sources of revenue to offset those lost to offshore manufacturing.
89: Paul Nave (D) businessman/ prizefighter
Is your candidacy a stepping stone to higher office?
My candidacy may well be a stepping stone to higher office if I win, but if I don’t, it may be a stepping stone to another office. I may run for state Assembly or Senate in a couple years. I ran for the Sixth District State Assembly in the March 2000 primary, receiving over 9,000 votes.
90: Robert C. Newman II (R), psychologist, farmer, Redlands
Do you play a musical instrument or have you ever taken music lessons?
No I don’t play a musical instrument but if you would like to know more about me and what I stand for please visit my web site.
91: Brian Tracy (I), businessman, Solana Beach
92: A. Lavar Taylor (D) tax attorney, Santa Ana
Do you support increasing funding for arts in public schools?
I support increased funding for the arts in public schools. Education of our children is the most important investment our government can make. The arts (music, drama, etc.) play an important role in improving the quality of our lives. Children need to be taught about the arts at an early age and should be given the chance to develop their own artistic skills.
93: William Tsangares (R) businessman
Tsangares is running to defeat the recall.
What is your favorite work of art and why?
“Mona Lisa Montage,” by Andy Warhol. The contrasting layout of a classic work interpreted through screenprinting simplifies the industrialization of art and the incestuous relationship of classical imagery in the modern world. From a technical standpoint the composition is just a simple repeat to fill the canvas and the color changes are without reason thus attaining an abstract expressionist sort of meaning.
94: Patricia G. Tilley (I) attorney, Sacramento
95: Diane Beall Templin (AI), attorney/realtor, businesswoman.
Do you support Prop. 13?
I support Prop. 13, which protects people, especially seniors, from skyrocketing real property taxes and protects all of us from “mob rule” tax increases.
96: Mary “Carey” Cook (I), Adult film actress, Los Angeles
Cook’s film roles in such classics as “Asses in the Air 4” and “Double D Dolls 2” have pretty much clinched California’s important porn vote for her. Her platform includes installing live Net cams in the governor’s office and trading porno mags for handguns.
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?
No. Enjoy the pic.
97: Gary Coleman (I), actor, Beverly Hills
98: Todd Carson (R), real estate developer, Costa Mesa
99: Peter Miguel Camejo (G), financial investment advisor, Oakland
100: William “Bill” S. Chambers (R), railroad switchman, Auburn
101: Michael Cheli (I), businessman, Santa Rosa
102: Robert Cullenbine (D), retired businessman
103: Logan Darrow Clements
(R), Lives in Pacific Palisades
Objectivist Republican for California Governor who believes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, particularly as put forth in Atlas Shrugged, would save the state.
Gubernatorial candidate Georgy Russel is pretty cute for a computer nerd: Yes/ No?
The liberal bias of your paper shows through in asking such a silly question to a person running for governor of California. Ask me a serious question and I’ll answer it; otherwise I have no interest being part of your paper.
104: S. Issa (R), engineer, Arcadia

105: Bob Lynn Edwards (D), attorney
106: Eric Korevaar (D), scientist/businessman, San Diego
Korevaar is yet another candidate who only signed up so he could oppose the recall. If by some miracle he is elected, he hopes to convert half of all buildings in the state to solar energy.
Who’s your favorite Kennedy?
My favorite Kennedy is John F. Kennedy because he had the vision to embark our nation on a great scientific enterprise where we eventually had men walking on the moon. This spawned a greater emphasis on scientific education in the schools that has helped the U.S. be a leader.
107: Stephen L. Knapp (R), engineer, Los Gatos
108: Kelly Kimball (D), business executive, Calabasas
109: D.E. Kessinger (D), paralegal/property manager, Riverside
Convicted in the 1980s of renting homes he didn’t own, Kessinger is one of our more colorful recall candidates. He included a copy of his SSI check stub with his reply.
What existing movie best reflects your life?
110: Edward “Ed” Kennedy (D), businessman/educator, Weaverville
Edward Kennedy? Of the Weaverville Kennedys? His platform rests on keeping social programs going and keeping Schwarzenegger out of office.
What book(s) are you currently reading?
“Pocket Directory of the California Legislature, Legislative Analyst’s Office On Taxes” (basis for Kennedy to suggest eliminate ALL tax on Labor and audit the books). (sic)
111: Trek Thunder Kelly (I), business executive/ artist
We screwed up and asked Kelly the same question as Kennedy (above), but it’s hard to see how it makes a difference as Kelly says he is running “as an art piece.” His intriguing platform involves legalizing and taxing drugs, gambling and prostitution.
What book(s) are you currently reading?
I just read The Fountainhead again. If you can pretend not to remember Ayn Rand’s weird philosophical organization, it’s a great book. She is brilliant with plot and characters, and her take on the validation of the individual and the commitment we should exhibit to our unique inner truths is extremely important.
112: Jerry Kunzman (I), chief executive officer, Richmond
Kunzman is an auto-racing enthusiast who started his own racing company, the National Auto Sports Association, in 1994. He wants to sell the naming rights of state highways to corporations and put advertising on all state-owned vehicles, just like they do on stock cars.
Where would you live if not California?
There is no place better on this earth than California, I refuse to consider anywhere else. This is why I chose to run for governor. I’d rather fight to return California to economic and educational greatness than run away.
113: Peter Ueberroth (R), businesman/Olympics advisor, Costa Mesa
114: Bill Prady (D), TV writer/producer, Studio City
115: Darin Price (NL), University chemistry instructor, McKinleyville
Price claims to be the only candidate who represents the North Coast. He teaches at Humboldt State, wears Birkenstocks, drives a Geo Metro and opposes rice-growing in the Sacramento Valley.
Do you support legalizing ferrets as pets?
Sure, I know people who have ferrets and think they are great pets and love them. Many other states allow ferrets. If disease is a problem, like dogs, we can mandate immunization. I think there are far too many governmental restrictions on people and the government should not be involved with such trivial matters.
116: Gregory J. Pawlik (R), Pacific Palisades
117: Leonard Padilla
(I), bounty hunter/law school president, Sacramento
Padilla, who once spent a year in jail for income tax evasion, is a bounty hunter who claims to have caught every fugitive he ever chased. He wants to legalize and tax marijuana, dip into the state retirement fund to help balance the budget and eliminate the three-strikes law.
What qualifies you to run the world’s fifth-largest economy? (Submitted by Butte County DA Mike Ramsey)
As a youngster, my mother and I had to provide a balanced budget for ourselves and my four younger siblings. Since that time, I have been a “budgetary problem solver.” Whether it was family, school, the military or other financial situations… two plus two always equaled four.
118: Ronald Jason Palmieri (D), gay rights attorney, Los Angeles
Palmieri doesn’t want your vote, and he sure doesn’t need your campaign contributions. An attorney with a long list of famous clients, Palmieri has no platform other than being against the recall.
How would you fix California’s daycare crisis, which keeps millions of women from working and attending school?
I am the only true non-candidate for governor. As the first openly gay man running as a Democrat for governor in the history of the United States, I seek to have people vote NO on the recall. If the recall succeeds, I urge all voters to keep a strong Democrat in office who supports gay rights, a woman’s right to choose, gun control and anti-hate-crime legislation.
119: Charles “Chuck” Pineda Jr. (D), state hearing officer, Sacramento
Pineda wants to install a 32-hour work week, use funds now slated for building prisons to bolster K-12 schools and build desalinization plants down south so northerners can keep their water.
What would you do to alleviate the shortage of skilled nurses in California?
I would pass a resolution to have all high schools motivate juniors and senior about the opportunities in the nursing field. I have served in the state’s criminal-justice system for 37 years and know what incarceration does to human beings. I have proposed to stop the current prison building program, get the state budget into the black, and use some funds to assist students in the nursing field.
120: Heather Peters (R), mediator, Santa Monica
121: Robert “Butch” Dole (R), small-business owner, Milpitas
Dole’s campaign slogan is: “No Excuses! No Sniveling". A man who resembles his nickname, Dole wants to cut spending across the board, starting with the governor’s salary, which he graciously offers to slash by 20 percent if elected.
What can be done on a statewide level to alleviate the lack of health care coverage for so many of our state’s residents?
To be honest, I don’t have enough information on this subject to answer the question at this time. I and my family have been without health care, and I know the costs associated are just way too high for some of our residents. As governor I am sure that I will have the information I need to make hard decisions that affect the way health care is provided and also to cut the costs.
122: Scott Davis (I), business owner, Palo Alto
123: Ronald J. Friedman (I), physician, Woodland Hills
124: Gene Forte (R), executive recruiter/entrepreneur, Carmel
125: Diana Foss (D), stay-at-home mom, San Jose
Foss told us on the phone that she is a protest candidate who probably won’t even vote for herself. Her only platform is that she is against the recall.
Which special-interest groups are ruining our state and what would you do about it?
Special interests in California are legion: anyone who uses money to obtain a result that would not come about through the normal democratic process. The recall election itself is an example; Darrell Issa’s money bought an election that would not have happened otherwise. Vote No on the recall.
126: Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes, (D), Film maker, Los Angeles
Fontanes (Zurd) is making a documentary about the recall. She is moderately liberal and opposes the recall.
Which is California’s most important industry and why?
I hesitate to single out any industry, since businesses that choose to operate here, employ workers and pay taxes are a shrinking commodity. I’d say creating skilled, educated, socially responsible Californians should be our most important industry.
127: Warren Farrell (D), fathers’ issues author, Carlsbad
Farrell thinks society has been too harsh on dads and too soft on moms, so parts of his platform involve recruiting more male teachers and sponsoring a male birth control bill and a paternity fraud bill.
Name California’s greatest asset.
Californians. Thus my Top Ten List of programs with the greatest cost-benefits to Californians’ families that lead to billions in budget reductions. Examples: prenatal care prevents neurological problems, reducing healthcare costs; equal father involvement after divorce leads to fewer teenage pregnancies and children in social services, prisons, and special education.
128: Dan Feinstein (D), visual-effects artist, San Francisco
Feinstein thinks politicians are “fundraisers who speak well and wear nice suits.” He would save money by eliminating state jobs and cutting government workers’ pay.
In your opinion, who would be the worst governor out of all the recall candidates?
I believe the worst choice would be Bustamante, because he represents the old guard of politics—back-room deals, money-influenced policy making, towing the official party line. We need a real choice, a real citizen governor, not a movie star, millionaire or career politician.
129: Larry Flynt (D), publisher, Los Angeles
130: Calvin Y. Louie (D), certified public accountant, San Francisco
Louie thinks California could use an accountant-governor to balance the books and bring business back to the state. That’s like a bean-counter’s version of Plato’s philosopher-king.
What is your position on offshore oil drilling?
As a native Californian, businessman and bicyclist, I know our great coast line and the health of our communities are paramount. Energy companies care more about gouging out profits with exorbitant prices than serving the public good. I don’t see the rush for more oil drilling off our precious coast.
131: Dick Lane (D), Educator, Stanford
Lane teaches linguistics at San Jose State and claims to have spied on Russia and China when he was 19. If elected, he would fire Charles Reed as chancellor of CSU.
Would you use your position as governor to promote alternative or sustainable energy, or is petroleum just fine with you?
Thanks for the chance to speak to your readership. Petroleum reserves are finite and projected to run out within 50 years. All responsible people, not just political leaders, must join in promoting alternative and sustainable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, and atomic. As governor of California, I will promote conservation of oil and the development of alternatives.
132: Todd Richard Lewis (I), businessman, Hollywood
Lewis calls himself “The Bumhunter” after a series of videos he creates and markets in which homeless people are captured on tape performing skits and stunts.
What kind of car do you drive?The Bumhunter drives a 1979 safari Jeep.
133: Gary Leonard (D), Photojournalist/author, Los Angeles
Leonard is an L.A. photographer who helped document that city’s punk movement of the late-'70s and early-'80s. He took that great photo of Darby Crash where he’s holding a Germs skateboard.
Which California athlete inspires you?
Sandy Koufax was my childhood hero. He was gracious, self-contained and kind, and he knew himself well. He always maintained his dignity and was a true gentleman.
134: David Laughing Horse Robinson (D), tribal chairman, Bakersfield
Laughing Horse, as this affable Native American prefers to be called, is an art instructor at CSU Bakersfield and chairs the Kawaiisu tribal government. He advocates a 10 percent flat tax for everyone making $30,000 or more a year and a $75 across-the–board VLF on cars.
Have you ever tried any “extreme” sports?
Yeah, I do the kinetic sculpture race. It originated up in Humboldt, Calif., up there in Eureka. It’s 38 miles over water, sand, mud—you name it—it’s pretty wild. You have a 1,000 to 1,500 pound sculpture and it’s all kinetic—a bicycle basically—with two or more riders and you race as fast as you can. It’s a blast.
135: Ned Roscoe (L), cigarette retailer, Napa
Billing himself as “The Smoker’s Candidate,” Roscoe, who owns the Cigarettes Cheaper store chain, thinks taxes are too high and smokers too oppressed.
Are you a dog, cat, gerbil or bird person?
I am responsible for three dogs. One of them, the fox terrier, is tangible evidence of evil. The other two were such nice, respectful dogs until Spot taught them how to open doors, break fences and cause mischief. The good news is that through Spot we’ve been able to meet all our neighbors for five miles around. The better news is that none of them have sued me. "He’s so sweet," they say when we pick him up. I’m thinking of changing his tag to say "Now he’s yours!"