Foster Farms in trouble, again
More tainted chicken distributed by California-based processor

Following the outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant strain of salmonella, California-based chicken producer Foster Farms has issued a recall of 170 different chicken products.
The strain has sickened about 500 people over the last 16 months, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture didn’t directly link the outbreak to chicken breasts produced by a Foster Farms facility in Fresno until earlier this month, according to The tainted products had “use or freeze by” dates from March 21 to March 29 and were distributed in California, Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Oregon and Alaska.
Foster Farms was in trouble with the USDA as recently as January, when the company’s chicken-processing plant in Livingston was shut down after cockroaches were repeatedly discovered in and around processing areas.
Food safety advocates are pushing for federal action against the company.