Foliage most inconvenient
City begins leaf collection program

It’s that time of year again—in the fall, Chico, the City of Trees, quickly becomes the City of Dead Leaves. Accordingly, on Nov. 1, the city of Chico General Services Department will begin its annual leaf-collection program to remove leaves from city streets and bike lanes, thus keeping the storm-drain system clog-free. Keep in mind the removal program is not intended for other yard waste or leaves from trees in private back yards.
• Rake leaves into piles near your property but away from the curb to allow water drainage.
• Make piles no higher than four feet.
• Do not place leaves in plastic bags.
• Do not add limbs, prunings, grass clipping or trash to leaf piles.
After Jan. 3, 2013, residents will be responsible for their own leaf disposal and cannot place leaves in the public right-of-way.