Fixing dogs and cats
A milestone in spay-and-neuter surgeries reached in Butte County

The Butte Humane Society hit a milestone Oct. 17 with the 10,000th fix of a Butte County cat or dog. Its spay-and-neuter clinic opened in 2010 to provide a service aimed at reducing the number of local homeless felines and canines. One cat can produce as many as 376 kittens in just three years, said Dina Soza, the BHS clinic manager, in a press release.
The low-cost service also reduces the number of cats and dogs housed in local shelters, the press release said. The surgeries are done during the weekdays at the clinic, which is located at 587 Country Drive in Chico. More information is available at 343-7917 or online at
The 10,000th surgery was performed on a dog, but because of privacy concerns associated with health issues, the name and sex of the patient was not released.