Festivities schedule
Dec. 4-Dec. 24

LIGHTING UP FOR THE SEASON The ceremonial lighting of the Chico community tree takes place on Friday December 5, at 6 p.m. in Downtown Park Plaza.
thursday 12.4
“SING-A-LONG MESSIAH” (Paradise)—7:30pm. Tickets: $8-$10; $4 for children. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Rd., Paradise. (530) 872-8454.
friday 12.5
COMMUNITY TREE LIGHTING—6pm. Chico public tree lighting. Downtown Park Plaza. Info: (530) 345-6500.
saturday 12.6
PICTURES ON SANTA’S FIRETRUCK—11am-4pm. Will be taken in the Toys R Us parking lot.
FRONTIER CHRISTMAS—Noon-4pm. Activities, crafts & Santa. Free. Lake Oroville Visitor Center. Info: (530) 538-2219.
OROVILLE COMMUNITY CHORUS—7:30pm. Oroville State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville Box office: (530) 538-2470.
sunday 12.7
BABES IN TOYLAND—2pm. Tickets: $12-$15. University Box Office: (530) 898-6333. Laxson Auditorium on the Chico State campus.
OROVILLE COMMUNITY CHORUS—3pm. Oroville State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville Box office: (530) 538-2470.
thursday 12.11
KWANZAA CELEBRATION—6pm. Music, dancing and more. BMU Auditorium on the Chico State campus. Info: (530) 892-1486.
OUR TOWN: A HOLIDAY CELEBRATION—6:30pm. The community is invited to enjoy multicultural fun. Free. Dorothy F. Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St. (530) 895-4707.
“FIESTA NAVIDAD”—7:30pm. Tickets: $14-$24. University Box Office: (530) 898-6333. Laxson Auditorium on the Chico State campus.
friday 12.12
THE NUTCRACKER (Paradise)—2:15pm. Tickets: $15-$18/adults; $10/students & seniors; $7/children under 12. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Rd., Paradise. (530) 872-8454.
“GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON”—7:30pm. Tickets: $20. University Box Office: (530) 898-6333. Harlen Adams Theatre on the Chico State campus.
BABES IN TOYLAND (Oroville)—8pm. Oroville State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville Box office: (530) 538-2470.
saturday 12.13
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA—8am, 9am & 10am. $5 for kids (add $2 for adult). CARD office, 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Info: (530) 895-4711.
THE NUTCRACKER (Paradise)—2:15pm & 7:15pm. Tickets: $15-$18/adults; $10/students & seniors; $7/children under 12. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Rd., Paradise. (530) 872-8454.
“GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON”—7:30pm. Tickets: $20. University Box Office: (530) 898-6333. Harlen Adams Theatre on the Chico State Campus.
BABES IN TOYLAND (Oroville)—8pm. Oroville State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville Box office: (530) 538-2470.
sunday 12.14
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA—8am & 10:30am. Breakfast/picture/ goodie bag: $8. Bellachino’s, corner of Bruce and 8th Street. Info: (530) 892-2244 or 891-3618.
BIDWELL MANSION OPEN HOUSE—1-5pm. Free (reservations required). Info: (530) 894-0790.
“GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON”—2pm. Tickets: $20. University Box Office: (530) 898-6333. Harlen Adams Theatre on the Chico State campus.
BABES IN TOYLAND (Oroville)—2pm. Oroville State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville Box office: (530) 538-2470.
THE NUTCRACKER (Paradise)—2:15pm. Tickets: $15-$18/adults; $10/students & seniors; $7/children under 12. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Rd., Paradise. (530) 872-8454.
thursday 12.18
WINDHAM HILL WINTER SOLSTICE CONCERT—6:30pm. Tickets: $20-$24. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Rd., Paradise. (530) 872-8454.
Arts/Crafts Faires: CAVE Christmas Faire: Dec. 5-7 at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, (530) 898-5817; Cottage Artisans Show & Sale: Dec. 5-7 at Chico Art Center, Fifth & Orange Streets, (530) 872-2710; Paradise Christmas Arts & Crafts Faire: Dec. 6 & 7 at Paradise Senior Center, 877 Nunnely, Paradise, (530) 877-1733; Radio Bird Street Holiday Craft Faire: Dec. 13 at Eagles Hall, 2010 Montgomery, Oroville, (530) 532-4422.
Bidwell Mansion tours. Tues.-Thurs, Dec. 16-18, 6:30pm. $5. Space limited. Info: (530) 895-6144.
Blue Room Theatre—11pm. Martin Chavira is back in town and directing the newly resurrected Twilight Zone for the late-nighters at the Blue Room. This is a reenactment of the “Night of the Meek” episode where Art Carney played a sad-sack Santa who underwent a fortuitous transformation in that crazy Zone. Betty Burns and Jeremy Votava have added the requisite real spoof commercials (with a holiday theme) for local businesses. Tickets: $5. Showing Dec. 12, 13, 19 & 20. Blue Room Theatre, 139 West First St. (upstairs from Collier Hardware.) Info: (530) 895-3749; www.blueroomtheatre.com.
Buy Fair Trade at the Chico Peace and Justice Center. Organic coffees, teas and chocolates; plus a wide selection of handmade musical instruments, clothing and decorative items. Dec. 5, 12-2 & 5-8pm; Dec. 6, 9am-Noon; Dec. 10, 4-7pm; Dec. 15 & 19, 12-2 & 5-7pm; Dec. 20-24, Noon-6pm. Chico Peace and Justice Center, 526 Broadway. (530) 893-9078.
The Eight: The Reindeer Monologues, an adults-only late-night comedy, Dec. 12-14 & 19, 20, 10:30pm. (Sun. 7:30pm). Chico Cabaret, 2201 Pillsbury, Almond Orchard Shopping Center. Info: (530) 895-0245.