Facebook outpaced
Survey of teens shows shift toward Instagram and YouTube

Facebook may have a shelf life, if results from a new Pew Research Center survey of teens and their use of technology and social media hold true. The survey, when compared with results from a similar one conducted in 2014-15, shows that teens are shifting away from Facebook and toward YouTube and Snapchat. In 2014-15, 71 percent used Facebook, versus 51 percent today. Here are some other notable findings from the 2018 report:
• Just 10 percent of teens name Facebook as their most-used social media platform, compared with Instagram (15 percent), YouTube (32 percent) and Snapchat (35 percent).
• 95 percent of teens have access to a smartphone today, versus 73 percent in 2014-15.
• 45 percent say they use the internet “almost constantly,” up from 24 percent.
• More girls (50 percent) than boys (39 percent) report being online almost constantly.
• 31 percent say social media has a mostly positive effect on their lives, including connecting with friends and having access to news.
• 24 percent say it has a mostly negative effect, citing bullying and lack of in-person contact.