Everybody’s business

Tractor pull
The new store dedicated to farmers, Tractor Supply Co., is open on Whitman Avenue.
If you stop by, welcome manager Tom House, who transferred from the Yuba City store.
Publicly traded and with more than 550 stores in 34 states, the Tennessee-based company is sure to compete with locally owned shops as well as Valley Tractor, a small, regional chain with a store on nearby Country Drive.
The building, located behind “a local daily newspaper,” was constructed by the Chico firm Cinecon Group, Inc., which specializes in movie theaters but has done many other projects nationwide. I have to say, Cinecon has an amazing Web site; see it at www.cinecongroup.com. (I also noticed Cinecon offers health and other benefits on the first day of employment; not many places I know of do that.)
Turkey lurkey
The newly revived local chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation has donated 100 turkeys (from Albertson’s, not the wild) to charity.
Scott Huber is co-chair of the new organization, but you might know him as a school trustee and real estate agent.
The turkeys, which were distributed Dec, 19 by volunteers with the Parent Education Network, went to “disadvantaged members of the community” all over Butte County.
Huber’s 20-year-long “passion” has been hunting wild turkeys and he once bagged a 22-pounder. “We’re a conservation organization, trying to set aside open space for a variety of purposes.”
Site development
Tri Counties Economic Development Corporation has launched a new Web site, and it looks pretty cool. (Not as cool as Cinecon’s, but pretty cool.) Check it out at www.tricountyedc.org.
Farewell, ‘05
• To all the readers (two) who sent me holiday cards.
• To the clerks at Walgreen’s for being patient with my freakish www.thegrocerygame.com coupon strategies.

• To my husband for putting up with me.
• Trader Joe’s.
• Staying off caffeine.
• My kid seems to be turning out OK.
• Three words: “Big fat problem.”
• Not returning your e-mail/ phone call.
• I’m not that great of a tipper.
• I wrote about sex toys but don’t use them.
• I may have faked excitement while interviewing you.
Resolutions for ‘06:
• Fewer $3 mochas (they’re decaf).
• Sticking it to the man.